Is Dat Our Lil Finny Boi?

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Finally, time to go back home again.

~Emma Smith~

It was winter break and time to go back to Vancouver to see my family again. My mother's sister lived in the city and my older cousins were coming for Christmas, including Joe! (Our beloved babysitter/mom Joe Keery is your cousin in this, pls don't hurt me) I couldn't wait to get back to Canada. I hate the States.
"Emma?" (Your name is Emma in this, k?) my mother nudged me to make sure I was awake, "Yes, mummsy?" I lazily got up and stretched. "We're here." she popped the trunk and I looked out the window. Sure enough, we reached San Francisco International.

I dragged my mint blue suitcase out of the GMC and started towards the entrance, vlogging the entire thing.

"Matt?" I shoved the camera in his face, "Say something."


I slapped my face. "No you idiot, say something about the trip. Something memorable."

He paused for a few seconds and replied, "I'm hungry."

"Same here."

We walked towards the entrance and into the airport. I loved how big it was. But I did not love the lineups for checking our baggage.
I paused the video and started scrolling through Instagram as we waited. Matt hunched over my shoulder and asked, "What are you looking at? I'm bored." I smiled, "Noah Schnapp's insta." He sighed and said, "When are you not? And why are you so obsessed with him?"

I gasped, "Why am I obsessed with the guy of my DREAMS?"

He cocked his head to one side, "I thought that's what you said about Finn Wolfhard."

"I'm surprised you ever listen to me."

Matt rolled his eyes, "They're all you ever talk about."

"Because it's my dream to meet the cast one day and marry them both."

"You can't marry two guys."

"Watch me."

He put his hand on my phone screen to get my attention, "If you're SO infatuated with the cast, why don't you ask Joe to have them come over? It would surely make your Christmas merry and bright."

"I wish I could but they have better things to do. Besides, we haven't seen Joe in two years since he started filming. I wish I could have seen my big brother more often."

"He's not your big brother, I am. And he's our cousin."

"Come on. I want food in my belly. I'm a hungry woman." Our mom motioned to us to follow her and our dad to security.

Once we got all our bags out of security, I headed for the nearest Starbucks and stood in line. Matt followed, tormenting me with questions. I rubbed my face and put my hand over his mouth.

"Sthap. I need some caffeine before any socialization." I turned back to the barista, "Could I please order a venti caramel frappuccino with whipped cream and extra drizzle?"

"WOah, that's diabetes right there." Matt gestured to the lady. "Decaf for her, please." I shook my head and waved at her, "No, caffeine is just fine, thank you."

He sighed, "Fine, have what you want, but I'm not paying you pig." I smirked and happily replied, "That's fine by me."

I paid the barista, grabbed my drink, and we were off searching for our gate. I asked Matt, "Do you think Finn is in Vancouver?"

"Why don't you check Instagram? You're stalking him 24/7."

"Um, no. I give Finn, Noah, and Millie 12 hours. Then I give the cast the other half. That's the way it goes."

"What about school and-"

"Boi, I have my priorities set straight."

He threw his hands over his head, "Why can't you just ask Joe already to meet the cast?!"

I yelled back at him, "Because I don't have that kind of authority!"

He grumbled, "I'm sure he'd want to make his favorite cousin happy."

"True, but not the point." I rubbed my temples, "They all have lives. Important lives. Glamourous lives. Beautiful-"

Matt put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. "We get it."

After about a half hour of walking, finding terminals, running up and down escalators, and riding the elevators, we finally reached our gate. But there was still time to spare before we were to board the flight, so I decided after five minutes of contemplating to play on the moving sidewalks.

"Take a picture of me." I gave Matt my phone and he groaned.

I removed my sweater and threw it at Matt then flashed my Stranger Things tee and shining white teeth at the camera. He hastily took the photo then flung my iPhone at me. I caught it in midair before it slipped out of my sweaty hand and onto the sidewalk. I glared daggers at my older brother.
After I ran about on the moving sidewalks we went back to the gate and sat down where our parents unloaded our stuff. I whipped out my phone again and started another video.

"Hey guys-"

"Guys?" Matt asked, obviously confused, "There's going to be other people watching this?"

"Of course. Why else would I do it?"

"I thought you were making a video diary."

"aNYWAYS." I turned the phone around in a panorama to showcase the airport, "Nothing special. Just a big airport. a big, lousy, smelly, noisy-"

"Please shut the hell up, thank you."

"You need to work on your manners and not interrupting people."

"I don't interrupt important people." He slid his Beats headset over his ears and stared at his bright computer screen.
"Fine, whatever." I looked at the people sitting at the gate, waiting for the plane to arrive. A stranger (see what I did there? *wink*) with sunglasses covering his face and a hoodie over his head pulled a suitcase over to the corner and sat down, fixated on his phone. He hid black curly hair under the hood.

"Do you think?" I shook Matt's arm, which he did not like. "Is that Finn Wol-"

A voice rang on the loudspeaker, "Calling all first-class passengers and any families with small children for flight 109 to Vancouver."

"Why does everyone have to interrupt me?"

I zoomed in on the stranger's face, "Looksie here people. That dude looks an awful lot like our lil Finny boi."
I shook Matt's arm, "Should I text Joe and ask him if Finn's headed to Vancouver? Cuz if that's him, I need him to sign my shirt and my forehead."


"I have my reasons."

He shook his head no. "I think you should leave the poor guy alone."


"Passport please." A lady in blue uniform held a hand out.

I gave mine to her and looked back at the stranger, but he was nowhere to be found.

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