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Yunho almost chokes on air. He takes a deep breath and says "I love you too." Mingi smiles and just takes in his light embrace. Yunho's embrace was warm and tight enough to make sure Mingi wasn't hurt by it.  Mingi's muscles relaxed. 

After a few minutes in the same position, Yunho looks down to find Mingi asleep on his shoulder. Smiling Yunho picks him up and sits on the couch with Mingi's head in his lap. Mingi was breathing peacefully. Tomorrow his 72 hour hold would be over, but he needs a place to stay. Chaeyoung walks in. "Thats cute." She whispers and sets two waters on the table. "What are you thinking about Yunho? You look stressed."

"Well, where is he gonna stay after discharge?" Yunho asks. "Well, we can find some family or he could possibly stay with you." Chaeyoung explains. Mingi wasn't all the way asleep and he pipes up. "I want to stay with yunho" He whispers. Yunho blushes and looks down at the sleepy male. "Theres your answer then." Chaeyoung calls over her shoulder as she walks out.

Yunho plays with Mingi's hair, hoping to sooth the boy enough that he falls asleep. Mingi's hair was surprisingly soft and Yunho likes the feel of it. Within 15 minutes Mingi had fallen back asleep. Yunho smiles, and falls asleep himself.

---the next morning, saturday---

Mingi and Yunho awoke to the soft touch of Jisoo and Chaeyoung. "Wake up you two, Mingi's getting discharged." Chaeyoung smiles.

"Its quite sad, I liked you two." Jisoo acts sad. Yunho sits up and sees Mingi still in his lap. "Well at least he's better." Yunho laughs. "Yep." Jisoo smiles.

"We're gonna take Mingi and check his cast and see how his nose it doing." Jisoo says as Mingi finally gets up. Mingi nods and goes with Jisoo as Chaeyoung sits down.

"Yunho, just in case heres mine, and jisoos, personal numbers. If either of you need anything, just let us know." Chaeyoung hands yunho a piece of paper. "Thank you" Yunho smiles. Chaeyoung gets up. "Of course. Also, you should ask him out." She says with a wink. Yunho laughs knowing she knew they weren't dating.

A few minutes later Jisoo walks in with Mingi. "His nose is fine, just a little sore. We gave him a cast on his ribs." Jisoo explains. Mingi goes and sits down next to Yunho. Yunho rubs Mingi's head. "I'll get the paper from Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung comes back instead. "Fill these out Yunho, since you've been staying with him. And remember what I said." She smiles again. Mingi looks confused.

"I'll tell you later." Yunho tells the younger male, "Oh and I brought you clothes." Mingi looks in the bag on the table. Inside was a hoodie, sweatpants and boxers in Mingi's size. The hoodie and sweatpants were Yunho's.

Mingi goes to change. The clothes were very comfortable. Mingi walks out of the bathroom. "Oh wow. You're so cute." Yunho says in awe. Mingi blushes.

Chaeyoung collects the paperwork and the two say goodbye to Chaeyoung, Jisoo and Dahyun for the last time. Yunho calls an Uber and they get inside.

15 minutes later they arrive at Yunhos place. "Come on, lets get you settled." Yunho ushers Mingi inside. A woman greets them. "Welcome Mingi. Yunho you can show him around." She tells him.

Yunho takes Mingi's hand and leads him back to his own room. "You can stay in here, I'll sleep on the couch." He says. Mingi shakes his head. "No. It's a king sized bed, we both can fit. Right?" Mingi explains. "I mean sure. Are you okay with sharing a bed with me?" Yunho asks. "I slept on your lap last night, it's okay."

Mingi smiles and lays down. Yunho exits the room and comes back with a plate of fruit. "Eat up." Yunho hands it to Mingi, who picks up a few pieces. Yunho sits on the edge of the bed.

"Yunho?" Mingi whispers. "Yes Mingi?" Yunho replies. "Why'd you fake being my boyfriend?" Mingi asks . "Well, in all honestly... I uhh."

"I like you Song Mingi"

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