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Yunho woke up the next morning. He got ready with casual and comfortable clothes. Yunho heads over to the cafè, wishing that Mingi would be there and fine. Yunho ordered two coffees when Mingi wasn't there.

The day before yunho asked Jeongyeon for Mingi's address so he could 'give him homework'. Yunho makes his way over to his house. It was about 5 minutes away from the cafè. Yunho sees a car pulling out of the driveway and hides behind a tree.

Yunho knocks on the door and it opens by itself. The whole house was eerily silent and yunho steps in. "Mingi? Are you here?" Yunho calls.

In his room, Mingi heard a familier voice. Yunho. Mingi hadn't used his vocal chords since the day before. Yunho crept up the stairs. "Mingi?" He calls once more. "Yunho?" Mingi whispers. His voice couldn't go loud.

"Mingi? Oh my god Mingi!" Yunho jiggles the door lock. "Yunho? Yunho help me please." Mingi starts to cry softly. Yunho tries to break the door lock, but decides to just break the door irself. He crashes through the door.

Mingi was laying on his bed, blood everywhere. His face tear stained and bloody. "Mingi!" Yunho rushes over and hugs him. Mingi flinches at the pain that shot through his ribs. "Oh sorry. We need to get you to the hospital." Yunho makes him get up. Mingi put him arm around Yunho's shoulders and he helped stable him.

Yunho pulled out his phone and called his mom. "Mom, I'm coming back home. This is serious and we need your car." Yunho hangs up after the short conversation.

A few minutes later they arrive. Jisoo was waiting at the door. She takes one look at mingi's bruised and bloody face. Jisoo ushers the boys into her car, asking no questions.

Jisoo speeds down the highway so they reach the hospital in 15 minutes. Yunho goes with Mingi into the ER. "Please help us." Yunho asks. The desk calls a nurse for them and Mingi is ushered onto a bed. "Are you family?" The nurse asks. "I'm his boyfriend, please." Yunho pleads. She nods and lets him follow her to the room.

The nurse intoduces herself. "I'm Chaeyoung, and I will be taking care of you." She says, "Explain to be what happened. If you want your boyfriend can step out."

Yunho looks down, blushing. "He can stay." Mingi confirms. Mingi takes a deep breath in and starts to explain.

"When I was 7 my parent starting fighting and my dad left. My mother took on many jobs to support us. First it was small slaps on the wrist to scold me, but it grew stronger to slaps and straching. When I was 13 I came out as gay and that flicked a switch in her. It turned into slapping, kicking, choking, punching and sometimes even burning. She refuses giving me food. She even mentally and verbally abuses me. Then at 15 I started self harm. I still do... I think she broke my nose and one of my ribs in her latest attack." Mingi finishes, leaving himself and Yunho in tears.

Chaeyoung nods. "How long were you locked in that room?" She asks. "2 days." Mingi wipes away his tears. Yunho comes to the side of the bed and holds the youngers hand. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Mingi. We'll be sure to alert police and get you the help you need." Chaeyoung goes to talk to the front desk and other nurses.

Chaeyoung comes back. "Mingi you're going to need to change into this. The bathroom is right there." She points to a door in the corner. Yunho helps Mingi up and the two walk over to the door. Mingi changes, then comes back out. Yunho looks at the youngers arms. There was a large amout of dried blood.

Yunho makes Mingi go back into the bathroom. He uses lukewarm water to wash off the blood. "Mingi?" He whispers. "Yes?" The younger replies. "Don't do it again, for me. Okay?" Yunho requests. "I won't." Mingi confirms with a smile.

A different nurse comes back. "Hello there, i'm Jennie. We'll be going to the x-ray room." Jennie explains. "Can I come?" Yunho asks. "Of course." Jennie smiles and gets Mingi into a wheelchair.

They make their way into the x-ray room and Jennie puts vests on both of them. She takes an x-ray of Mingi's nose, then switches the vests position. Jennie takes another x-ray of his ribs.

"Okay, you two can go back to your room while I get the results." Jennie tells them. Yunho wheels Mingi back to his bed. Mingi crawls onto it and sighs.

"Mingi, are you alright?" Yunho asks and holds his hand again. "I'm relived you came and found,mr. I'm glad it was you." Mingi squeezes Yunho's hand slightly. "I'm glad I found you" Yunho raises their hand and kisses it.

Mingi blushes at the touch. "How did you get in anyway? I thought it was only family." Mingi asks. "I said you were my boyfriend." Yunho giggles. Mingi thought that was the sound of angels. It was the happiest he'd been in years.

He wanted that moment to never end

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