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Mingi's alarm woke them both up the next morning. Friday. He stayed the night at Yunho's. Yunho was asleep on the ground next to the bed Mingi was on. "Yunho, you can have your bed back now." Mingi gets up, fearing what would happen when he goes to get a change of clothes. "Are you leaving?" Yunho asks. "I should be, yes." Mingi confirms. "Wait." Yunho reaches for Mingi's wrist.

Yunho drags him into the kitchen and cuts up an apple. He hands it to Mingi. "Here, eat this." mingi nods. "Thank you." Mingi walks out.

When Mingi arrives home, his mother is waiting for him. "I thought you were at-" "shut it." Her words were ice cold. "Where were you?" She asks. "Y-Yunho's" Mingi stutters, afraid to speak. "Is he your boyfriend? You fucking FAGGOT!" She nails him in the ribs. She then kicks behind his knees, making his fall.

Mingi falls on his arms, making his wrists hurt. She takes off her heels and slaps him in the nose His already bruised nose was becoming more bruised. It was possible it was now broken. Blood slowly dripped out and fell onto the floor. She laughs. "Weak." She kneels down next to his ear. "Your nothing, remember that." She whispers and slaps him.

Mingi attempts to get up, but his mom pushes him back down and holds his head against the floor. The heel was digging into his neck. Pain shot through his body. At this point it was unbearable. Tears poured down his face as she kicked his legs.

"Pathetic. You can't even take this?" She laughs at his pain, "Get up." Mingi does as told, trying his best to stand up straight. She kicks him in the spine, making him go forward.

She does this until they reach his room. "Stay in here and starve." She locks the door from the outside. Mingi listens as she leaves the house.

Now Mingi was left alone with his thoughts. 'Maybe I do deserve this. I'm nothing to the world.' Mingi thinks. His ribs ached from the past few days. His nose was broken and his ribs might be too. Mingi lays down, hoping to sleep away the pain.

---at school, lunch period---

Yunho was sitting with his group of people. "Have any of you seen Mingi today?" He asks the table. "Who's Mingi?" Jongho asks. "Hoodie boy." Yeosang states. "What ever you call him I need to know if you've seen him today." Yunho pleads.

"I haven't. Is everything alright?" Seonghwa asks. "He was with me this morning, but never showed up to the coffee shop or first period." Yunho says. "Give it until tomorrow, maybe text him. If he's not here ask for a well check." San says.

"Did I just hear something smart come out of San?" Wooyoung joke, trying to bring light to the situation. They all laugh, even Yunho laughed lightly. He felt a little better.

The lunch bell rings and all of them separate to go to class. Classes drag by and finally its Yunhos free period. He could go home now, but he wanted to look for Mingi. He was worried out of his mind.

Yunho quickly went to the library. He made his way to the last aisle. Mingi wasn't there. Next he went to try the music recording room. Still no sign. Lastly, the rooftop. No Mingi. Tears filled Yunho's eyes. He would try to find him tomorrow again.

Yunho dragged himself home. "Hey sweetheart. Are you alright?" His mom, Jisoo, asks. "I'm just a little worried about my friend." Yunho explains. "Mingi?" Jisoo asks. Yunho nods. "Well go over tomorrow to see him. Don't be worried too much, okay?" Jisoo explains. Yunho nods and silently goes to his room.

He flops onto the bed. There wasn't much homework due the next day so he decided to do it the next day.

Please Mingi
Be okay

perfectly fine ; yungiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن