Chapter twelve - Psychotic Schizo

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Dean (POV)

I had an idea and me and Balthazar decided to pull through with it. I decided to go pay a visit to my little Leviathan friend, Dick Roman. We were on our way to their headquarters carrying guns and knives in duffel bags for ‘safe keeping’. My car that was parked at the old motel me and Sam was staying at before the police came and got us was still there and it had all of our firearms in. We decided to leave the car where it was for now in case the police could track it but before we left it; I gave it a pat and said;

“I’ll be back baby.” Balthazar looked at me weirdly and with amusement when I said this but I ignored him and we started walking towards where I knew the leviathans were held. It was a far walk into town in one of the highest buildings. Dick Roman liked to go big or go home so the thing wasn’t hard to find seen as we could see the building from about two miles away. We walked up to the large building a looked up, Balthazar whistled loudly.

“Now that’s a big building. Do you think he’s trying to make up for something else, you know… down there?” I laughed at his comment and shook my head, walking off in front of him towards the big double doors. A security guard at the doorway stared at us but let us in. He must have looked like we belonged there because of how confident we were acting. I didn’t feel all that confident but the fact that I had Balthazar beside me, even though he was just a pick-pocket, made me feel a bit better about the whole situation. We walked through the large reception room and towards the elevator, pressing the button to go right up to the top floor. “Is it just me or was that way too easy?”

“Nah, that’s basically how it had always been. They don’t really do much protection as they rely on brute force rather than being sneaky and secretive.” I shrug.

“What did you do here?” He asks me curiously and I scowl.

“Collected people and brought them here.”

“Good for you!” He shoves me and I look at him in confusion.

“Why is that good?”

“At least you didn’t have to kill them.”

“But I did, I basically brought them to their deaths.” I sigh and rub my eyes. We became silent, listening to the classical music in the elevator awkwardly. We were nearly at the top now so we grabbed to hand guns from the duffel bags and held them out in front of us to be ready for when the elevator doors finally opened. When they did, we just burst straight in, shooting two body guards that looked a bit started to see us. We walked straight through the top floor, shooting anyone who came in our way. It wasn’t a good task, in fact I felt sick to the stomach by what I had to do but then I remembered that these were the people who sent me and my little brother to prison. We both burst into a meeting room where Dick Roman was sat with all his officials.

“ANY OF YOU FUCKING PRICKS MOVE, AND I’LL EXECUTE EVERY MOTHERFUCKING LAST ONE OF YA!” Balthazar shouted and I sighed and put down my gun.

“Pulp fiction? Really dude?” I scoff and roll my eyes when he grins wildly at me while I put my gun back up.

“I’ve always wanted to say that.” He replied happily and I look directly at Dick Roman who is still sat in his seat calmly while his employees have all gotten up and backed away from us.

“Dean Winchester.” He snickered and I smiled sickly sweetly at him.

“Hello Dick. Doing well?”

“What are you doing out of prison, and where is that tall moose of yours?”

“Sam you mean? Oh he’s around, but I didn’t come here to chat Roman,” I sneer and he slowly stands up from his seat.

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