Chapter seven - The make-up disaster

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Cas (POV)

The end of the day couldn't have come any slower for me. I was currently sat in the cell waiting for Gabriel to swap with Dean and I was tapping a finger on my knee, staring at him intensely.

"Patience Castiel!" Gabriel says, popping a bubblegum sucker into his mouth. Don't ask me how he gets them. I get cigarettes and money where as he gets lollipops, they were like his cigarettes I suppose.

"Hurry up Gabe!" I whine pathetically and he chuckles at me.

"Jeez, can't you keep it in your pants for 15 more minutes boy?" I answer him with a grunt and go back to tapping my fingers on my knee. He rolls his eyes and stands up, my eyes following his movements quickly. "Fine I'm going!"

"Yes! Thank you! Get out. And remember to get the right brother this time titch."

"I've had enough of these jokes about my height. You know they could really hurt my fe-"

"Go!" I cut him off and he puts his arms up in defeat.

"I'm going, I'm going! Goodness me." He turns to the cell gate and bangs on it three times. The guard comes to him, looking around for a sign of any other guards and then looks at him. "I wanna swap with DEAN Winchester and then swap again with the cell mate of SAM Winchester."

"It wasn't him that got it wrong last time Gabe, you don't need to speak to him like a child." I scoff and he glares at me before turning back round to the guard who was holding back a grin.

"Think you can manage that big fellow?"

"That's two swaps in a night Mr Novak. It'll cost you double." The guard holds his hand out while Gabriel rolls his eyes and goes to get some money from our secret stash in my mattress.

"Here, you greedy bastard. That's $200 there." He slaps it into the guards hand and before opening the gate he counts the money suspiciously then smiles at my older brother. He gets out his keys and slides them in lock and pulls the gates open noisily before getting out some handcuffs and chaining Gabriel onto himself.

"See ya later, alligator." Gabriel calls to me.

"In a while, crocodile." I call back.

"In a bit, you piece of shit!"

"You always need to get the last word!" I shout and I can hear his laughter from all the way down the hallway. I sigh and plonk back down on my bed heavily and smile broadly. Dean was coming! Oh shit, Dean was coming. I got up and ran to the mirror to check if I looked decent enough and groaned when I realised I had dark circles under my eyes and my hair was stuck up in all directions. I ran a hand through my hair to try and tame it but I couldn't do anything about the dark circles under my eyes. Unless... Under my bed was a box full of random merchandise that me and Gabriel would sell to some of the inmates. I knew it was a long shot but maybe there was some foundation in there somewhere. Some guys liked make-up, whatever.

I rummaged through the box as quickly as possible pulling out all sorts of strange and random items until my hand finally grasped onto what I could only imagine was a make-up bag. I pulled it out, unzipped it and cheered in triumph when I grabbed a small bottle of foundation. I went back over to the mirror and poured some of the skin coloured liquid onto my hands but instead, almost the whole thing poured out if the bottle and went absolutely everywhere.

"Oh for fuck sake!" I shouted angrily trying to rub the liquid off my but only getting it more and more all over me. It was on my jumpsuit, on my hands and when I looked back at the mirror I found that I had bits of it on my face and in my hair. "How the hell do chicks do this?" I mumble to myself before sighing at my reflection. Before I could begin to wipe the stuff off me the cell doors opened and in walked a very confused looking Dean Winchester. He looked at me and for a second his eyes went wide but then he started bursting out in a fit of laughter.

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