Chapter nine - Anytime

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Cas (POV)

I had everything sorted. I would be swapping cells with Balthazar this evening and staying in the cell for the rest of my sentence. I had to protect Dean, i couldn't let him be touched by anyone else. I hadn't seen him since we had to leave him in the courtyard and i dread to think what is running through his mind this very second. Just the idea of him, laying in his bed and crying silently made me want to chuck things angrily at the wall and scream at every Tom, Dick or Harry that tried speaking to me. Gabriel had tried to on several occasions to get me to calm down but for some unknown reason i couldn't. I didn't know why i was so passionate about that man or why i felt the urge to protect him. It was like an unhealthy obsession with him due to the fact that as hard as i tried i couldn't get him and i definetely couldn't bring myself to make him have sex with me. 

"Cas.." Gabriel's voice pulled me out of my thoughts quickly and i looked at him angrily. "It's time."


"To swap." He said simply and i nod at him before getting off my bed and going over to the cell door that the guard was now opening. I looked at my brother and he gave me a quick hug and a pat on the back. "See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. See you." I say before picking up my belongings and getting chained to the guard and escorted out the cell. I was sad to leave Gabriel but i knew he could look after himself. Besides, right now Dean was more important to me by what he had been through so i followed willingly and was soon outside his cell. 

"Balthazar." The guard called and Balthazar came to the gate as he opened it up. He looked up at me sadly and i mouthed the words 'Dean?' to him. He just shook his head sadly before being swapped with me. I walked into the cell, it sliding shut behind me quickly before looking around the room. In the bed was a figure, wrapped up in sheets and facing towards the wall. I sigh and walk over to Dean before sitting slowly down on the bed. He jumped up quickly and turned to face me, his muscles on his face hard and in pain but as soon as he saw me he relaxed.

"Cas." He mumbles and i nod at him silently. "You okay?"

"Yeah, you?" I ask stupidly and he snorts humourlessly before leaning his back on the wall.

"What you doing here?" He asks, ignoring my stupid question from before.

"I told you i needed to swap with Balthazar, you're my...."

"Bitch." He grumbled and rubbed his eyes tiredly before looking back at me.

"Yeah." Is all i say before plunging the room into silence. It is awkward as i don't know what to say to him to make him feel any better. I could go on a rant about how i think Crowley is a dick but i don't think that would be any help at this moment in time. "We have to fake having sex." I blurt out and he looks up at me quickly.


"Because... otherwise people won't believe it." I manage to say and look down at my hands. A guard was knocking on the cell doors telling us it was lights out time and suddenly the room went dark. I didn't realise how loud the prison actually was seen as mine an Gabriels cell was a bit more secluded but the sounds coming from other cells were so loud. In most cells you could hear people fucking and i gulped slightly before looking at Dean who looked back at me. We were both thinking the same thing. We couldn't fake an orgasm in this place when the real thing was happening in other parts to compare it too, we had to do it in real life. 

"Dean, i'm so-" I try and say but he cuts me off.

"No, don't. Just don't." He shakes his head and puts his face in his hands.

"I have to do this... i have to protect you."

"Whatever man just, do it already." He growls and i sigh loudly before speaking in a loud voice.

Guilty Innocence || Destiel/Sabriel Prison AUWhere stories live. Discover now