"Alaric Saltzman," The teacher said, making Echo lean forward, the name ringing a bell. "It's a mouthful, I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now the name Alaric belongs to a very dead Great-Grandfather I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably want to pronounce it "Ala-ric," but it's "A-lar-ic," okay? Though you can call me Ric. I'm your new history teacher."

"AND then I ended up at the remains of Old Fell's Church before I woke up back in the woods," Bonnie explained to the twins.

"And you always see your ancestor, Emily?" Elena asked and Bonnie nodded, her eyes wide.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Bonnie asked, looking between the twins.

Echo immediately said, "Yes." And at that, she snorted because she has fought ghosts and other entities since she was able to hold a gun.

"I think I'm being haunted," Bonnie explained.

Elena shrugged. "I don't get it. Why Emily?"

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the Civil War days," Bonnie explained, "And that this medallion was hers." She showed the necklace that Caroline and Bonnie had fought over, "A witch's talisman."

"And it all started when you got the necklace?" Echo asked before humming. "I think she's using it to communicate with you." When Bonnie nodded in agreement, she asked, "What does Grams say about it?"

Bonnie sighed and said, "I can't call her. She's gonna tell me to embrace it. I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop."

"HE'S bad news," Bonnie told the twins as she drove down the road away from the High School. "He really scared me."

"You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible," Elena told her firmly, her brown eyes narrowed.

The girl in question sighed. "I'm trying. He just keeps showing up."

"I don't want you to be alone," Elena said, glancing back at her twin. "You're sleeping at our place tonight." When Echo groaned, Elena said, "We can make a whole night out of it."

Bonnie looked at the necklace around her neck before pulling the car over, making both Elena and Echo exclaim in surprise.

Bonnie stepped out of the car and Echo rolled down the window, sticking her head out as she shouted, "Where are you going!?"

Bonnie walked over to a field and tossed the necklace far away until it fell to the ground, no one knowing where it had landed. She then turned around and headed back to the car and got in.

"Are you okay?" Elena asked as Echo stared at Bonnie with raised eyebrows.

Bonnie nodded. "Now I am. All my problems were because of that thing. Can't believe I didn't do that sooner."

"What's your Grams gonna say?" Echo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Grams isn't the one being haunted by a hundred-and-fifty-year-old ghost, is she?" Bonnie asked then buckled herself in, and started driving again.

Echo slumped back into her seat and frowned. "I really wanted to kill a ghost."

CAROLINE pulled some food out of the takeout bag in front of her, placing it on the island as Echo hungrily eyed the greasy bacon that she pulled out next.

Bonnie walked into the room, and Elena sent Caroline a look, nodding at Bonnie.

Caroline sighed and turned to Bonnie, saying, "I'm sorry. There. I said it. If you want the ugly-ass necklace, keep it. It's yours."

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