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She looks at me expectantly, but I just return it with a blank stare. I'm not exactly sure what she's expecting of me or waiting for.
She raises her eyebrows, but I just shrug in return. What the hell does she want?
It's as if we're having a staring contest. I haven't had one of those since I was a little kid, but I remember being pretty good at it. I'm sure I can win from her. She doesn't seem like the type who can sit still for too long or keep her mouth shut, for that matter. She's gonna break within the next few seconds and maybe then she'll actually tell me what the fuck she's waiting for. Cause in all honesty, I haven't the slightest clue.
I'm a little disappointed when my prediction gets proven wrong, as she's still wearing the same expression close to a minute later. I'm very tempted to break this contest myself and ask her what she wants, but I'm no quitter. However, it is starting to get a little bit uncomfortable. I don't even know her! And here she is starting into my soul with such intensity, it's almost as if I can feel her studying every little crook and fold of it. And I don't even know what for.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go," she finally breaks the silence with a groan. "Get in the car," she reaches her hand out to help me off the ground. "Gosh, I didn't realize you could be so stubborn," she mumbles more to herself then to me. I don't even know what she's complaining about. How was I supposed to know that her expression meant to get into her car? Which, mind you, I don't even know what it looks like. As if she expected me to just be able to read her mind! Maybe next time she should write it out on her forehead, it'll give me a better chance of figuring it out before she gets annoyed.
I'm pretty sure it won't be the last time her nerves start boiling because of me though. She's just proven to be easily bothered and I'm already known for being one to easily ruffle people's feathers.
So boy is this gonna be fun. Whatever the hell 'this' exactly is.

After checking that I'm following her more times then I could count in the short 2 minute walk to her car, she graciously opens the passenger door for me- after so kindly reminding me to brush off any remaining dirt off my ass from having sat on the dirty grass, before getting into her car. But not before taking my bags off me and placing them in the trunk, of course. Cause there's no way I could've done that myself, right?

"Don't forget to put on your seatbelt," she says, ever so kindly, as she closes the door for me once I'm seated. Cause I don't think I could've done that myself, either. Honestly, I'm surprised she doesn't help me put on the seatbelt, you know, just to be sure I actually know how those things work and what I'm supposed to do with it to secure it correctly.

She then takes her own seat and puts on her seatbelt, as she starts the car. She turns my way, to give me a big smile, before looking forward and pulling out of her parking spot. "It's not a very long drive," she says, not taking her eyes off the road. "It's only about like 15 minutes, but the view is pretty nice. I mean, I can take the faster route, which is only like 10 minutes, but it's through the city. So I like to take this route cause I get to see some of the nicer parts of the nature that's surrounding the city. I don't like walking there as much," She admits. "Certain parts can be a little scary to walk on. But if you follow the path you should be fine. I used to be very into adventuring the scary parts, but it turns out to be pretty dangerous, so I decided to just stick to the well walked paths and not risk my life trying to be cool," she lets out a little laugh, as she continues taking mostly to herself. I'm a little surprised at how much comes out of her mouth, when only five minutes ago it took her almost five minutes to tell me to get in the car. "But when I go for like my morning run and I don't have much time, I stick to the more traditional park that's right close to my house," she rambles on. "This I will only do when I don't have anywhere to be and I can actually enjoy the fresh air and the nice view."

I do have to agree with her that the view looks really nice. Even though we're kinda zooming past it pretty fast and I can't really see much, whatever I do manage to see looks beautiful. Definitely a place I'd like to explore.

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