
"Ma, I'm here!" I exclaim, entering the kitchen to give her a kiss. "And my stomach is here too and ready to feast."

Renata snorts. "When is it not." I glare at her remark.

"There's some lasagna in the fridge. Or you might as well have the whole damn fridge." Mom chuckles, kissing me back on the cheek as well as Renata.

"I have some shopping to do so please try to not eat everything." She adds, once seeing that I had already began to eat the food.

"I'll try not to ma." I say, watching as she grabbed her bags.

"Aren't you going to practice? You have your finals tonight."

"Ma, I'm fine. I don't need practice. I'll do good without much effort." I boast, taking full pride. She nods before heading out, leaving us to in the house.

My mom was the idealistic image of cool. She was lame, but cool. My father was more strict, but he was awesome nonetheless. I knew he was just looking out for me. The two cared for me more than their own duties. Believing that I was responsible enough to do anything.

If only they knew.

"Hey, did you hear who's going to be at the tournament tonight?" Renata asks, eyes widening at her phone.

"No, who?" I ask, my mouth stuffed with cheesy goodness. She scrunched her face at me in distaste.

"Your a pig." She comments, sitting beside me on the couch. "It says that the Midnight Shadows pack will be competing against all warriors in training."

"So, what's the big deal?" I ask. I really didn't care who I went up against. I was the top performer for my pack, I didn't see why I would fear to lose.

"So, the twin Alphas are most likely to compete too." She explains. "They might even fight against you."

"That's impossible." I comment, serious now. "I've never gone against an alpha before. I'm a warrior in training."

"Ah, you didn't let me finish." She says. "The winning warrior will have to go against one of the alphas as well as having to transfer to their pack."

"What?" I ask. I wasn't aware of that. Our combat trainer just told us that we would compete to show how powerful we were. I guess there was a late minute change of plans.

"I'm not going to a their pack Rea." I huff, placing the plate away. "Even if I was the only warrior left on earth."

"You don't have to go."

"I'm not going to either." I finalized, getting up. "I'd rather go into the dungeons than do so."

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to practice?" She asks, once seeing me head up the stairs. I kiss my teeth as I walk to my room.

"I don't need to. I'm going to take a nap." I say, yawning.


"Dude, I heard he did a bust guster, and busted his guts all over!" Tairah explains to us about the next contestant from our opponent pack.

"If I don't see someone rearrange someone's guts then I'm out." Domario exclaims, crossing his arms.

"That would be so cool!" Erin comments.

"That person will be Elenora." Ronaldo says, patting my back.

"I'm not sure about that.." I say, making them slump. "I'm going for the neck."

"Thata girl." Another guy from our pack comments. They encouraged me on as the announcer called my name once again.

I haven't lost any of my rounds so far. The hyping of all the guys really helped to pump me up.

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