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London was a full body experience. In each and every direction there was a new sight, sense, smell or anything. The city had a bizarre green tinge to it due to pollution and fog, but Rowan was lapping up every inch of it. The group were walking to the club that Tommy had demanded they attend, saying that there was a good reason why that particular club was so important.

What Rowan hadn't noticed, yet the brothers had, was that every male pair of eyes were locked into her, even some female eyes too. She spun around, staring up at the sky wistfully as she absorbed the city, oblivious to the attention her impeccable looks were drawing from the Londoners. Her dark eyes and hair along with slender frame made her an alluring object that they weren't used to. 

"It even smells different." She remarked and waited for the boys to catch up with her.

"Smells like southerners. Don't like it." John spat on the floor as he walked past a young and adoring couple.

"Grow up John, southern people aren't all that bad." She rolled her eyes jokingly at him before turning back around and heading for the club entrance.

"They're all fucking staring at her." Arthur whispered to Tommy.

"They've all got good reason to Arthur, she's young, beautiful and single. Why wouldn't they?" Tommy shrugged.

"Don't you fucking start." Arthur seethed. "We all know she's far from single."

They watched as Rowan turned to face them. The moonlit caused parts of her hair to sparkle, and her gold tasseled dress she'd thrown on that morning caught the light of the street lamps, flickering under the shine. Arthur was falling deeper and deeper for her the more he gazed at her.

The boys over took Rowan as the approached the door. The bouncers on the door blocked the entrance way, presumably put off by the arrogance Tommy was exuding.

"She gets to go in." The talker of the bouncers spoke with a thick cockney accent, pointing at Rowan and winking at her. "She's got a good pair of tits."

The small girl slithered between Tommy and Arthur, pushing her way to the front and thanking the bouncer seductively. Tommy sighed before handing over a few notes to the bouncer before being let in reluctantly.

"Much obliged." Arthur removed his cap and stared the flirting bouncer down.

Once inside, they entered a whole new reality that was completely new to all of them. The men had seen some things in their time on the earth, but none of it could equate to what they were witnessing. Cocaine being snorted totally in the open, a young and drugged up couple having sex in front of everyone with gay abandon, and two men happily in the throws of passion as they kissed each other against a wall. The juxtaposition between the beauty and serenity of the marbled decoration and gold touch of the architecture and the rapid swing music and sordid activities in front of their eyes was like a drug to Rowan.

"It's a fucking freak show." Arthur remarked as he and his brothers followed Rowan as she sauntered through a gold curtain and further into the club.

"It's fucking heaven." Rowan beamed as she skipped up onto the dancefloor, immediately engulfed by the other dancers.

She could feel the musical notes rattling around her head as she let her body move along with the music. Arthur's eyes were locked onto her figure as he watched her move effortlessly in time to the beat.

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