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Birmingham in the winter was a ruthless bitch. Rowan was stood half freezing to death in the doorway of the cinema as she waited for eight o'clock to approach. She held her cigarette to her lips as she waited for the clock hands to turn. The stares of the surrounding company burnt through her skin. Men gawped at her low cut dress whilst their wives and girlfriends sent Rowan looks of disgust as she turned their partner's heads. 

The people in the foyer all suddenly moved to one side of the wall and muttered various apologies as someone entered the building. Just as one man tried to push Rowan out of the way, Arthur Shelby came strolling in, filled from head to toe with confidence.

"Here she is, bang on time." Arthur clapped his hands together before pulling Rowan into a kiss.

She could tell he'd been drinking from the lingering taste of whiskey and rum on his lips. She wasn't particularly fussed, she just enjoyed the thrill of doing something her father looked down upon. She was finally living her own life.

"Come on then darling." He headed up the stairs with her following, her arms folded to keep her warm.

She was startled but just how much control he had over the people of Small Heath. He barely even spoke and they immediately made a path for him and apologised for being in his way, even if they weren't in the first place.

"I'm impressed." She remarked as the sauntered past the entire queue.

"Listen here love, when you're out with a blinder, you don't have to queue." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they made their way to the seats.

"A blinder?" She enquired as the penny dropped, along with her heart. Her father had something unpleasant in store for Arthur.

"Peaky Blinders. Best bookmakers in the whole of Birmingham." He let her down the aisle before slapping her bum.

She smiled as she sat down in the seat, the entire cinema just for the two of them.

"No one else?" She looked around to see only a singular usher stood by the door.

"Nope. Now, I want a blowjob off you before they let the ordinary people in." He smirked.

Adrenaline was rushing through her as she realised how easy it was to get your own way if you were a so called 'blinder'. She kissed him hard before smiling and unbuttoning his trousers. As soon as her head dipped down and her hands went to pull down his trousers, Arthur's body was pulled away from her in the blink of an eye.

"What the fuck?" He strained against the men dragging him away.

"Let him go for fuck's sake!" She shouted and pushed the men away.

It dawned on her they were police. Her father had ordered this, this was the displeasant punishment he had for him. She felt sick to his stomach.

"Miss let him go." An officer shoved her away.

"Fuck off." She pushed him back even harder.

"Rowan let him go." The man pushed her against the wall as Arthur was physically dragged out of the cinema.

"How do you know who I am?" She asked, full of fear.

"Your father is my boss." The officer explained before letting her go. "He speaks very highly of his girls."

"Girls?" Rowan asked, in a state of shock and disgust.

"Yes. I and Grace?" He awkwardly spoke.

Rowan simply slapped him around the face before pushing him out of the way.

"Don't you dare associate me with that girl."

Wearing her knuckles down and making them bleed, Rowan was knocking on every door in Small Heath. She was determined to find out what happened to Arthur after he was forcibly removed from the cinema. She was reaching breaking point.

She sighed, realising her plan was failing, before knocking on another door.

"Door's open Tommy." A woman shouted from inside.

"It's not Tommy." She replied and hoped for someone to come and see her.

There was some shuffling behind the door, before it flung open to reveal a young girl with a brown bob, dressed in a beautiful flowery dress.

"Can I help you?" She folded her arms and leant against the door frame.

"I'm looking for Arthur Shelby." Rowan explained.

"What do you want with Arthur?" The girl asked defensively.

"Let her in Ada." A man that sounded reassuringly like Arthur shouted.

Ada let Rowan in and shut the door behind her, picking up the kettle and leading her into the kitchen.

"He's in here." She pointed to the man in the chair.

Arthur was so smothered in blood that Rowan barely recognised him. His face was cut and bruised, his clothes tainted pink.

"Hello love." Arthur groaned.

"Jesus fucking Christ." She remarked.

Chester Campbell did this. Her own father punched Arthur repeatedly until he revealed what he needed to. She felt sick.

"I'm so sorry." She spoke in disbelief.

"Why? Got something to be sorry for?" An older woman snapped at Rowan.

"Leave her Pol, she's alright." Arthur instructed.

"I'll leave her when I know who she is." Polly stared Rowan up and down.

"Pol, calm down." Another man sighed. "I'm John."

"Rowan." She smiled and introduced herself.

"Who did this Arthur?" Rowan asked.

"Police. And some Irish man." He winced as Polly bandaged up his finger.

She grimaced internally as she realised her father was the ringleader of the melee. He managed to ruin any inkling of fun in her life.

"Rowan, hold this." Polly instructed the girl to hold the flannel against Arthur's face.

"I'm so sorry." Rowan whispered.

"No worries love." Arthur sighed with a small smile.

And in that moment, the true leader of the Peaky Blinders entered Rowan's life for the first time. Tommy bloody Shelby.

a/n: i have this story planned out so much imma be on top of my game this time x

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