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Rowan awoke to be faced with another man's back that was littered with scratches. She'd done that. A cheeky smile grew as she realised she'd got away with her escape plan and she'd managed to pull all in one night.

She lightly traced the red marks that rested upon Arthur's skin, making sure not to make him bleed. She accidentally pressed too hard, causing him to turn over in shock.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"No need love. Pass me those fags will you?" Arthur's voice was incredibly husky as he pointed towards the bedside table.

Rowan reached over and grabbed the packet, along with the cigarette lighter next to it. Arthur propped himself up against the metal headboard and lit up his cigarette. Rowan untangled herself from the duvet, making sure not to accidentally flash him, before grabbing her clothes and dressing.

"Off so soon Ruby?" He asked and watched her intently as she draped the material of her clothes over her skin.

"It's Rowan." She didn't turn around to respond to him, just nonchalantly corrected him. She wasn't surprised that he'd forgotten her name already.

"Shit. Sorry. Rowan." Arthur grumbled. "Your neck's a bit of a mess."

Quickly dashing over to the small mirror on the wall, Rowan inspected her neck. Arthur was right, it truly was a state. What was once a beautifully tanned skin was now spotted with purple. There wasn't an obvious way of hiding that from her father.

"I suppose you haven't seen your back yet." She smiled again.

"Stings like a bitch." He chuckled before putting his cigarette out. "I like you."

Rowan turned and gave him a raised eyebrow of disapproval.

"You don't even know me." She patronized him.

"Well you're a good shag, I know that for certain. You seem like fun." He shrugged. "I've got an offer."

"I'm not accepting payment." She sternly folded her arms.

"No, that's not it. My offer is, why don't we do this more often?" He lay across the bed as he waited for her answer.

"Are you saying we date?" She asked, sitting down on the corner of the bed.

"I'm saying we fuck." He explained.

Rowan took a moment of reflection. This was by far the most fun she'd had in years and she'd only been in the city for one night. What harm could it do?

"I'm in." She stuck her hand out for Arthur to shake, which he did so accompanied by a smug smile.

"I'm going down the pictures tonight. Special rules for us, don't have to queue. Meet me in the foyer at eight o'clock." He explained before kissing her one last time.

Rowan pulled away with a large smirk on her face, knowing that she was about to deliver the coup de grâce.

"Sure thing. Alfie."

Chester sat opposite his daughter as he desperately tried to analyse what she was hiding on her neck. He had a suspicion she hadn't stayed in her room all night as he'd previously thought. Thankfully, before he could suss her out, the guest for afternoon tea arrived.

"Grace, come, sit." Chester stood up immediately and fussed around the girl, making sure she was happy and comfortable.

Grace was something Rowan had trouble describing. She was intensely and intimidatingly beautiful. Her blonde hair and bright blue eyes made her practically irresistible to all men. Chester's description of her personality inclined Rowan to
believe she was the second coming of christ. But there was something off about her. Something that, once discovered, would not make for pleasant knowing.

"Grace, this is my daughter Rowan. Rowan, this lovely lady works with me for the police. She's helping out on a new case that we've recently been developing. Lovely of you to join us Grace." Chester kissed both of Grace's cheeks, making her appear mildly uncomfortable, before they both took a seat.

"Nice to meet you." Grace smiled at Rowan, but there was difficultly detecting if it was real.

"Galway? I'd recognise a soft accent like that anywhere." Rowan asked, getting a simple nod as a response.

"You know, this girl is like a daughter to me. Her father and I worked together before he sadly passed away. He was a brilliant man, who left behind a brilliant daughter." Chester mused as he stared at Grace.

Both Grace and Rowan, feeling uncomfortable and hurt, sipped their tea as a way to avoid any form of eye contact.

"So, what's the case about?" Rowan quickly changed the subject.

"Some munitions went missing from a factory. We think we know who stole them, we just need to catch them with them." Grace explained.

Rowan couldn't help but feel bad for Grace as she noticed Chester was still staring. 

"Who is it?" She pressed further.

"Local gang, the Peaky Blinders." Chester spike with utter disgust. "I need to get hold of the ringleader."

"Arthur, or Thomas?" Grace asked as the pair of them went into their own discussion, completely forgetting Rowan was there.

She listened intently as she recognised the name Arthur. She tried her best to convince herself it wasn't him, but the allure of Arthur being in a gang was something she was drawn to.

"I have a plan to catch Arthur soon. Very soon indeed." Chester winked at Grace.

"I'm going out tonight." Rowan quickly blurted out. "I'm going out with a friend."

"How can you make friends in one day? Don't be stupid Rowan. I didn't raise you like that." Chester shut her down.

"With absolutely no respect due father, you didn't raise me at all." Rowan bitterly spoke.

"How fucking dare you, you ungrateful little-" He seethed at her but was cut off by Grace.

"I'm going to leave now. My new job as a barmaid starts soon." Grace got up and immediately disappeared.

As soon as she left, the tension crept in, smothering them like a pall.

"I'm going out whether you like it or not. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions." Rowan spat.

"I'm your father!" Chester shouted, drawing attention from everyone else in the tea room.

"And my god, I wish you weren't."

a/n: in case you didn't see, i have a joe cole social media fic published called 'minor role', it would mean the world to me if you check it out!! also there's loads of new pics from s5 on set and i'm so hyped x

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