The stars talk

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The sun was in my face ,the sea was kind of angry and I definitely understand why , there's so much plastic inside,but well now is not the moment for talk about it. But truly I couldn't swim so , that day I was planning to record some music videos and I start dressing myself and putting so much make up until I thought OMG you're so ridiculous haha  whatever I was alone in a hotel room so I started and after 15 videos I realized that the recording was terrible and you know I was just doing it for share an important message for me ,not for being superficial and that shit .

When the moon came out I really was wishing to walk in the cold cold sand and after an hour sleeping there I had a weird vision I saw some Mayan codes and a clock of sand in red also I saw hoy a man was falling inside a transparent snake and he felt in a glass circle and he took the form of a brilliant flower but then the flower was died.
Okey I really didn't understand why I saw that but whatever I understood that the beach is a perfect place to connect automatically .

I saw a really shiny star and I think mm if I can talk telepathically with people why not with stars,let's try.
-Hello star you're bright is truly beautiful you're gorgeous !

-Hello star you're bright is truly beautiful you're gorgeous !

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🌟Thank you ,you are beautiful too.
-How do you know that,I mean I'm far.
-I can feel you, that's enough for me you're beautiful.
-Star I want to shine like you ,here in the Earth 🌍,I want to make something good and show my brightness but then I catch my ego and I corrected me saying :
Well Actually I'm not pretty shure ,that's the main cause of the chaos in the world you know everybody wants to be successful and have recognition but my instinct says that that's not the way .
You're the brightest star in the sky today are you doing it for look better?(of course I didn't believe that but I was curious about the answer)
⭐️The stars have not fear to be ,it doesn't matter if you shine or not at all ,if I want to glow I'm going to do it ,I don't care I'm not going to keep my shine .
- Got it but is still selfish
⭐️We already know that it doesn't matter if you shine more or not that's ridiculous you'll be always the same inside ,you're value is not going  to grow or going down. I wonder if you understand this , is the same with humans.
-I thought for a while and of course all your being is already has an enormous value we are alive that's itself a wonder the other things are mundane dust.
-I understand but I'm still sad , the people is still hurting themselves because they think they are not enough they have hungry of fame .
Star why you don't say to your friends that help us please .
-⭐️I understand but it depends of the human race.
-Why you can not help? Why the universe has cruel laws ?
⭐️The universe is not cruel is not bad is not good , just is .
In my thoughts I was like o come on I talk a lot and the star just says a cold phrase.
Haha but well not everyday you're fighting with a star 💫.
After a month I could figure it out,before everything was created there was nothing (imagine for a second "the nothing "just and empty space maybe black maybe white)so there's no reference for say that you're a good person and the other is a devil .

I wonder if you got it , it takes take just meditate more about it ,and well religions are not welcome for free minds just saying .
The stars 🌟 told me that and si trust them but always search by yourself.
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Thank you 💜

Next chapter in 3 days Thank you 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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