🖤S E V E N🖤

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"Hello, Petra~" I said, sliding over to the main desk she was sitting at. Paperwork and 2 computers were on the desk and holding her attention. I just hope I can easily persuade her.

"Yes?" She asked, obviously very tired from running a camp. Not much had gone on, just lots of outdoor activities and bonding exercises. It had officially been 5 days and I was no where near close to achieving my goal. Might as well start now.

"Could I possibly get a key to go into the files room? I want to see if something is true," I asked, giving her my brightest smile and sweetest eyes I could muster. Rolling her own eyes, she threw the keys to me (which I may or may not have almost dropped).

"Knock yourself out, just put everything back when you're done."

"Oh thank you Petra, love you!" I said, rushing off to the door with a big sign saying "files", it definitely wasn't discrete.

After unlocking the door and turning the light on, I could see the mass amount of dust and spiderwebs filling the place. There were multiple filing cabinets, east one having a section of the alphabet inside of it. The one I was looking for, with a close inspection, had been recently opened.

"Odd...this is the J-M cabinet, why would anyone open it..." I spoke aloud, starting to look around the room. There was an old plastic potted plant right in the corner, barely any dust on it. Walking over, I touched a leaf and felt the smooth plastic underneath my fingertips.

"Hold on..." I whispered audibly, crouching down to inspect the stem. It was brown, a spot on it flashing wildly. But just barely, like who ever planted it there didn't want it to be seen. Reaching a hand out, I grabbed the flashing box and pulled it off the plant. A little clear screen was visible-most obviously a hidden camera.

"Someone doesn't want me snooping!" I sang to myself, sliding my way back over to the filing cabinet. I ripped open the filing cabinet and searched for who I wanted.

"Mikasa Ackerman-Jaeger. Girl never wanted to change her last name, stubborn child..." I smiled, looking down at the picture attached to the file. It was the both of us, smiling brightly towards the photographer (probably Mrs. Ral, Petra's very own mother).

Inside the file was the typical stuff, just information on Mikasa during the camp. The last page was her case file-a direct copy from the police investigation.

"Come to daddy, papers," I said, smiling evily towards the papers. As soon as I pulled open the case files, the door opened to reveal more light into the room. I turned around as quickly as possible to find Levi standing there, eyebrow raised with a sexy smirk on his lips.

"Is that how you talk to all things, Eren?" He asked as I stood there holding the case file. My eyes widened and a heavy blush spread over my face.

"Levi...how much did you hear?" I said, scared he heard too much.

"You don't need to worry about it. Anyways, what are you looking at?" He asked, giving a sly smirk my way as he walked closer to look at the file and papers. I tried to hide them away, but he was much too quick for my liking.

The handsome man I've come to know as my friend stole the papers regarding the case of my missing sister. I couldn't do anything once he started reading them, looking over every single word with extreme care. His cold blue eyes were filled with sympathy and melancholy, almost as if he knew this case all too well.

"Mikasa Ackerman-Jaeger, age 11 when she officially disappeared from Camp Shiganshina," Levi read from the case report before looking back up at me. I crossed my arms and tried to shield myself away from his concerned eyes.

"My older and adopted sister," I mumbled, taking a small step closer to Levi. He gave me back the folders and started to walk out of the room.

"Levi wait!" I called to him, causing him to stop in his tracks. "This is why I'm here. I'm going to find out what happened and ensure it never happens again," I spoke with confidence I didn't know I could muster in that moment. He just barely turned to me, his left eye looking deep into my own.

"Look all you want, she won't be coming back," and with that he turned and walked out of the room.

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