Chapter 08: The First Revelations

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I think we got information from Casper a little too easily.

I can tell by the look in Don's eye that he thinks so too. Something's up. I don't know what to expect when we get to Mark's place. We're driving there right now, but for some odd reason I have a bad feeling about this. I look at Casper. There's still something familiar about him that I don't like. He looks at me, and smirks, as if he knows what I'm thinking. As if he knows me.

That's typically not good. I've made a few friends here and there, like Carroll, but people in general don't like me. I'll actually tell you a little about myself, I'm different. I'm different in the same way Carroll is. We're not the same, we're just similar. Most of humanity hates us. Because we're different. The difference between me and her is that she doesn't know it yet. But she will. Unfortunately, she has to. For her sake.

We finally make it to Mark's house. "364 Ohio," Jimmy said, "Right?"


I didn't like it. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't like it either. We got the information way to easily. Casper's planning something, I just know it. And it bugs me. I look at Carroll, and she seems distracted. I look at Casper, and he's smirking. Not good.

We finally make it to Mark's house. "364 Ohio," said Jimmy, "Right?"


I haven't felt normal since the way he looked at me when I cut the carpet. The bomb didn't help, and now I feel weirder then ever. He knows something about me that I don't. That's a very eerie feeling. I think he's trying to tell me something, but I don't know what. I want to ask him, but right now he looks thoughtful, and I don't want to interrupt him. He and Don look worried. He looks at Casper, and Casper smirks. I'm too distracted to notice. What's different about me?

We finally make it to Mark's house. "364 Ohio," said Jimmy, "Right?"


There's an odd silence in the car. Don't and him look worried, Carroll distracted, and Casper with an evil smirk. I don't like it. I haven't seen these guys in while, and I want to talk, but it's obvious they don't.

We finally make it to Mark's house. "364 Ohio," I say, "Right?"


They look worried. They should be. They think I'm up to something. They are right. He still doesn't know it's me. He looks at me, and I smirk.

We finally make it to Mark's house. "364 Ohio," said the one who's driving, "Right?"


I'm doing something on a computer. Don't ask me why, or what. I don't know. But I'm doing it, and I can't stop. No matter how hard I try.

Suddenly, I hear a car pull up. I look out the window, then go back to the computer. I save whatever I'm doing, and close the window, and without wanting to, I open a new window and start playing video games.


"Yes," replied Don, "Can you keep an eye on this guy here?" "Sure," replied Jimmy. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Casper. The rest of us got out, and walked to the door. I knocked. Nobody answered. I knocked again. Finally, a man answered the door. "What do you want?" he asked. "Are you Mark?" asked Don. There was a short silence. "Come in," he finally said. We all walked inside. As opposed to his last house, this one is pretty neat and clean. "Yes," he said, "I'm Mark, why?" "I'm going to be straight with you," said Don, "We think you might have superpowers, and we want to help you." He laughed. "No, that's ridiculous!" he said. He just lied to us, why would he do that? Wait, maybe he thinks we're the FBI... "We're not the FBI," I said. "Then who are you?" Mark asked. "We're, the AHDL," I said. He looked at it. "Alright," he said, "What are you gonna do with me?" "That's up to you," says Don. "Alright," he said, "To show me you mean well, go stand in front of that wall and don't move." Don went and stood in front of the wall, and spread his arms. Mark thrust his hand out toward Don, and all at once a few inches away from his hand a knife appeared out of nowhere and started flying toward Don. It pierced him in the hand and pinned it to the wall. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

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