Chapter 06

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"Do you hear that?"

Carroll whispered. "No," I whispered back. We were on a plane on its way to Roswell. "Are you sure?" she asked. I listened closely. Nothing. "Yes," I replied. "Oh well," she said. I guess she was pretty sure she heard something. "There it is again!" she said. "I didn't hear anything," I replied. Luckily, Don was sitting much father up on the plane. We were pretty close to the back, and Don was right next to the door. "You're certain you didn't hear anything?" she asked for the millionth time. On second thought, maybe I'd rather sit next to Don.

"Look," I said, "If you're that nervous about getting on a plane, then you should have said so." "Look," she said mockingly, "If I'm that annoying you should have said so." "Haha, that was pretty good!" came in a voice from my watch. "Don!" I said, "Have you been listening this whole time?" We have these awesome little watches that we can communicate through. Well, not so awesome right now. "Yep," he replied, "You two are hilarious!" I pushed a button on the watch and then there was a beep. I hung up. Carroll started laughing. Then she stopped all of a sudden. "Seriously, that noise is bugging me!" she said. I sighed.

A few hours later, Carroll seemed like she was about to go insane, and I still couldn't hear anything. Now I was worried. "OK," I said, "What does it sound like?" "It's just this beeping," she replied, "And it's getting louder and more frequent." "Where do you think it's coming from?" I asked. She paused. Then she looked around. There were panels on the back of every seat. There was nobody sitting in the seats directly in front of us. She pulled off the panel in front of me, which I couldn't have done, and inside, there was a bomb! There was like three minutes left on it, and Carroll just picked it up, looked at it, and pulled a wire, and it stopped! I just stared in amazement. "Told you!" she whispered. The first thing I assumed, was of course a terrorist attack. But then I looked around. There was us and about ten other people, so if they were terrorist, I would think they would bomb a plane with more people. Then I noticed one guy, who kept looking at his watch like every two seconds. I called Don on my watch. "Stop anyone who comes to the door," I said. "Got it," he replied. In about a minute and a half the man got up and started walking toward the door. I got my phone out and started video recording him. Don stopped him. "I'm not going to let you do this," said Don. "You can't do that," the man replied, showing Don his FBI badge, "I'm with the FBI." "I'm with the AHDL," replied Don, showing the man his badge. The man glanced at his watch and then put his hands over his ears... but the wasn't an explosion. He looked confused as Don arrested him. We wiped everyone else's memory, and I caught it all on tape.

When we landed, one of the passengers commented about how short the flight was. "I know!" I said as naturally as I could. Part of me feels bad for wiping their memory, but it's not like that plane ride was anything important to them. "What's your name?" I asked the agent as we left the airport. "I'm not answering any of your questions!" he said. "I think you will!" said Don. "By the way," he whispered to me, "His name is Casper." "That's not corny at all," I remarked. "How did you know?" asked the agent. "It said on your badge," Don replied. "The FBI will hear about this," he said as if that was a threat. "They'll also hear about how you tried to blow up a plane," Carroll replied. "You have no proof of that," he said. "Then why did you cover your ears?" asked Don. "The FBI won't believe you," he said quite plainly. "They will if we have proof," I replied. "Which you don't," he said. "I wouldn't be so sure," I said.

Something about him I didn't like. Not just the fact that he tried to blow up the plane, or that he probably did something to Mark. There was something familiar, not in a good way, about how he acted. His movements, the way he talked, his deviousness, but I've never seen him before.

Outside the airport, a car pulled up to meet us. "Hi Jimmy," I said as I got in the car. "Sup?" he asked. "Well we'd tell you," said Don as he got in, "But then we'd have to kill you." "Ha, no problem," he replied, "I understand." Jimmy is an ex-CIA agent who decided to help us out part-time when he retired. Somehow, he always happens to be where we need him. For instance, he just happened to be in Roswell the day we flew in. If you ask him, you'll get the "then I'd have to kill you" remark, which is pretty annoying on the other side of it. Anyway, he agreed to drive us around Roswell. "Who's this?" He asked as Carroll forced the Casper into the car. "The bad guy," I said. "Alright," he replied.

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