Chapter 07

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"So where are we going?"

Jimmy asked. "Actually," said Don, "We need a close place to interrogate this guy." "Gotcha, I know just the place," said Jimmy.


"An abandoned CIA base right where we need it in Roswell?"  I said. "Well we built one here to keep an eye on Area 51 but then the Lab started doing it, so we left, but I have a few friends in the agency and they let us use it," he replied. "Sometimes I don't think you ever retired," I said. "Well," he said, "I'd tell you..." "But then you'd have to kill me," I interrupted. "So I guess you'll never know," he added. We all hopped out of the car. There was nothing but dessert for a good while. "I don't see anything," said Carroll. "Good," Jimmy replied. "Hey," he said, "Blindfold that guy, will you?" I pulled out a device from my pocket and showed it to Casper. It flashed. "Ah," he said, "That thing hurts." "Can you see?" I asked. "Yep," he replied sarcastically. "Yeah, right," I said. That device is supposed to blind people for about a minute. "Better make it quick Jim," said Don. "Don't worry," said Casper sarcastically, staring completely in the wrong direction, "Even if I couldn't see I'd break in anyway." We ignored him. Jimmy walked out for a few steps, then he pulled a device out of his pocket and pushed a button on it. Suddenly, a pillar popped out of the ground right in front of him. It had a keypad and a hand scanner on it. Jimmy started to type in a super long password. "You know what I don't get," Carroll said to me while he was typing, "Is why I heard the bomb but you didn't." I just grinned. Jimmy finally finished typing, it must have been like 20 digits long. Then, he put his hand on the scanner. "Accepted," said a monotonous voice from the scanner. Then, the ground in front of him collapsed into a staircase leading underground. At the bottom, there was a metal automatic door. We all went though.

Inside, there were people. "Now remember," said Jimmy, "This facility is abandoned, got it?" "Yes," Carroll said for all of us, except Casper of course. He took us to a room and locked me and Don in there with Casper. Everything in the room was black. You couldn't see the walls they were so dark. It looked like we were in some kind of void. It was kind of creepy.

"Why did you try to blow up the plane?" asked Don. "Why should I answer your questions?" he asked. "Because we're in a CIA facility and they have ways of making you talk," replied Don. "Alright," he said, to my surprise, "I was trying to get you out of my hair." "How did you know we were on the plane?" asked Don. "Lucky guess," he said. "Really?" I said, "You expect us to believe that?" "Nope," he replies, "I was going to the same place you were." "Hmm..." said Don. "I believe him," I said. "Why?" said Don. "It makes sense," I started, "Do you remember the letter?" "Oh yeah," he said. "We'll if this guy is chasing him, then he's obviously going to where he is," I said. "OK," Don said, "Does the FBI approve of your actions?" "No," he replied immediately. "Hmm..." Don said again. "He's telling the truth," I said. "How do you know?" he asked. "I didn't want to tell you," I start, "But there's a lie detector on the table." Don looked at it. I swear he blushed there for a second. "I think we have all of the information we need," said Don.

On our way out, we saw some pretty cool technology being locked up. "Is that alien?" Casper asked. "No," said Jimmy, "Actually none of it is." "Then where does it come from?" Casper asked. "Every once and a while a piece of technology leaks out of Area 51 or the Lab, and to get it out of evil hands we lock it up."  I giggled. "The Lab," I said, "That's a good nickname for it." Then Carroll giggled. "It is," she added. "What's the Lab?" asked Casper. "We'd tell you..." I started. "But then we'd have to kill you," Jimmy finished. "Well," said Casper, "We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

I suppose you're wondering what the Lab is. Well, I'd tell you.... You get the idea.

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