Chapter O3

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"When are you going to be here?"

Came in a voice on my walkie talkie. "Give me thirty minutes," I replied, "I've got to talk to a friend." "Thirty minutes, no later!" he said. It was Don, the mission leader. He was very strict sometimes. I mean, the mission didn't even start for an hour! But, I guess some mission leaders have to be that way.

I suppose you're wondering who my friend is. Well, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you... OK, so not really, but it's kinda between me and him. You'll probably find out later anyway.


So back at the mission site, AKA Timmy's house, we parked across the street and waited for him to leave. "He's pulling out," said Carroll. "OK," said Don, "Well wait until he's out of sight and then begin our initial search." "As opposed to, searching the place while he's still here?" I said sarcastically. "Oh yeah, let's go in right now and have get caught, what in the world was I thinking?" retorted Don. I like getting on his nerves, plus he's not too good at sarcasm.

We went into the house, and Don and Carroll stayed in the living room where the front door was. "Do you have the molecular scanner?" asked Don. "Yep," replied Carroll. "Good," said Don, "Start scanning things and see if you find anything interesting."

In the mean time I went into Timmy's room. It looked like he hadn't cleaned in ages. Of course he had only been there less than a month, so maybe he hadn't got around to it. The door was creaky and seemed like it hadn't been opened in awhile. I went straight to his desk, which besides the bed was the only furniture in the room. I opened the bottom left drawer and found exactly what I was looking for, a bunch of papers with research that Timmy had done. He was apparently on the target's trail too, so using his research will save us some time. Under the papers was a gold brick. "Odd," I thought, who keeps a gold brick in their drawer?

"Come look at this!" said Carroll as I walked back into the living room. She was scanning an area on the wall. I walked over and she showed me the readings. "According to this, there's little tiny mutations in the molecular structure of this area, but not enough to affect the integrity," she said. "Interesting," I replied. "What's that?" she asked pointing at the gold brick. "I found it in Timmy's room," I replied, holding it up so she could scan it. She scanned it. "It's real gold," she said, "And it has the same distortion." "Hmmm," I said thoughtfully. "What's that?" asked Don, gesturing toward the papers. "It looks like Timmy's been tracking this guy down too," I replied, "It's a list of all if the clues he's collected and his thoughts on them." "Well that should help!" said Carroll, "Don't you think Don?" "I guess it's worth a look," he replied.

"Well," said Don, after looking around for a little while without finding anything interesting, "As you know this mission isn't top priority, so I say we call this off until tomorrow and go back to headquarters." You might think it's a bit odd, cutting a mission short like that, but you have to realize that we track down good guys all of the time, and our main priority is getting the bad guys. Like I said, the chances of the target being good are high. If they're good guys, then we don't have to worry about what they're doing, but we do if they're bad. So just like he said, this mission is low priority. "Yes, sir!" Carroll and I both replied. "Oh, and read through those papers will you?" he said. "Yes, sir," I replied.


The rest of my day was pretty usual. Taught Carroll a few more things and dismissed her for the day, then I went about my business. I'd tell you about it, but again, you'll probably find out about it again later. I'll just say it's complicated.

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