Stargazing with Vampires

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They were gone. The dreams were gone! For the past two weeks, I haven’t had a single miserable nightmare! I wasn’t sure if it was because of Jasper or the fact that Bella slept in my room every single night. Either way, I was thankful that I was free. I can’t ever remember feeling so happy for such a long period of time and thinking about it I do believe this has everything to do with Jasper’s ability to manipulate emotions. 

I may be free of the dream, but now I had Bella terrorizing me. I had managed to distract her every single time she brought up Carlisle’s shirt. Which meant she was trying harder than ever to find me in a state that would guarantee her success. She had been trying to wear me down, but it never worked. I have spent too much time hiding things from Candy for Bella to ever get anything out of me.

I had hidden it in the back of my dresser, hoping she would forget about it. She didn’t, but I knew that she was pretty sure it was one of the Cullens. I had been hanging out with more and more. I tried to make it even. I hated the idea of ignoring Bella, or not talking with her as much as I used to. Somehow, it was harder to manage my time.

I had always managed to do my school work, hang out with my friends, and spend time with Bella quite effortlessly. For some reason, I found it a lot harder to spend an equal amount of time with the Cullens and Bella. 

I would hang out with them at lunch and annoy Bella in classes. I would spend the night on weekdays at the Cullens and most of Friday and Sunday. 

Thankfully, Dad was much like Renee and didn’t really care much as long as I told them where I was and called or texted once a day. Which meant I didn’t have to worry much about explaining anything to him.

It would be fantastic if Bella would just let the shirt thing go, but she is too closely related to me to ever do that. With her pestering, I kinda stopped hating myself for not sitting with her at lunch —mostly. I still couldn’t help but wish I didn’t have to leave my sister with Jessica, but at least she had Angela and Mike.

I woke up feeling suspiciously happy and the room seemed to portray that. The sun was barely up yet, but it was shining some sunlight into the room. Bella and I had been working on an English essay about one of Shakespeare’s plays until almost one in the morning. It had been one of the rare times we stayed up late on a Thursday night. 

I glanced beside me and saw that Bella had just woken up. “I was joking about the boyfriend thing at first, but now I think it was the correct assumption.” I smiled. 

Bella was in a half-asleep state which made it easier to sneak out and have a few minutes of peace. I love her, I do, but she is like one of those annoying small dogs that won’t leave you alone. 

I didn’t reply to her comment but instead pulled the converter further up. She smiled and rolled to her other side sleepily. I tried to breathe as little as possible —hoping that it would help my chances. It took a few minutes, but soon she was asleep. 

I carefully got to my feet and exited the room, shutting the door soundlessly behind me. When I got into my room, I looked at my clock. It wasn’t even four in the morning yet! Not even three hours of sleep? Maybe Jasper was going too far when messing with my moods. 

I pushed my hair out of my face before closing the door behind me and heading to the bathroom for a shower. 

I turned on the water after undressing and stepped in, closing the glass door behind me and letting the too hot water attack my scalp.

I had to be grateful for Jasper, even if toying with my mental state had some stupid side effects —like not need much sleep. I love to sleep, thank you very much and now that I can do so peacefully, I would like to sleep as much as humanly possible. Though, on the flip side, I had my appetite back. So, I could waste time shoving food in my mouth instead of being unconscious. 

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