He turns his attention to me with a grin, "Sup, man, I'm RJ."

And that's when it all snaps into place. RJ's mother was the woman who caught me eavesdropping on Scarlett in the store months ago.

They're close.

It's almost as if I'm not even here.

Ignoring the hand extended towards me, my grip on Scarlett tightens. A sharp pain to my side informs me that my attitude has been noticed.

Fine, but only for her. "Ashton." I state monotonously, shaking his hand with a death like grip.

"Tough man to be able to withstand one of Letty's jabs. She knocked the breath out of me earlier." RJ attempts to joke, trying to appear like a long-lost friend.

"I've had practice." I offer bluntly. Just like I've had practice knowing how to make her smile, laugh, and moan.

Thinking it's best to leave before I shove my foot into my mouth, I kiss Scarlett swiftly on the lips and scram.

Who the fuck does that guy think he is? All nice and huggy.

"Why do you seem pissed?" Gabe asks, eating a leftover hot dog from the concession stand.

"Fucking RJ." I mutter, watching them walk to the parking lot.

"Shit, I forgot he was here!" Gabe exclaims, that same stupid happiness taking over.

I scoff, "What, are you going to flock to him too?"

He's not that impressive.

"Nah, I'll see him later. Now is his time with them." He shrugs and I roll my eyes. "You met him, right?"

"Oh, I've met him alright." Safe to say I'm not a fan.

"Oh, no." Gabe says, pointing an accusatory finger in my direction. "Tell me you didn't go all jealous, alpha male on him."

My eyes go back to the six figures hanging around the parking lot, the twins shoving something into their mouths as Scarlett hugs him.

"You're so dead, this is great."

"What's the big deal?" I demand, glaring at him.

"The big deal is that he's like Scarlett's older brother. He's literally the only person she couldn't shut out after the accident." He informs me and I bite my tongue.

That information really isn't making me feel any better.

"I don't go all alpha male." I state defensively.

"Yes, you do. You go all, my girl, must prove she's mine. If it weren't for the fact that I know Scarlett's already about to rip you a new one, I'd tell you to chill." He laughs, making me sound like a cave man.

I don't do that.

"I mean, I kissed her." I try to reason. Maybe a little forceful but she's never had a problem with it before.

He just continues to laugh his ass off, waving goodbye to head to his car.

Deciding to give this a second chance, I make my way back over to the Rhodes. Wrapping my arms around Scarlett, I pull her back into my chest. Resting my chin in her neck, I watch them say goodbye.

"I'll see you guys later." RJ says, turning back to me with an overly nice smile. "It was nice meeting you, man."

"Likewise." I admit, only slightly lying.

An aggressive elbow to the stomach has me holding my breath. Why is she so violent?

"You know, Sweetheart, if you keep doing that, I'm going to bruise." I whisper, purposely trailing my lips across her collarbone.

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