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Kyungsoo paced back and forth in his and Jongin's shared apartment ever since Baekhyun met that tall idiot Kyungsoo immediately knew something bad was gonna happen.

Don't get him wrong he loves the idea that his bestfriend has finally met someone and they actually stayed, He doesn't have anything against Chanyeol but he always knew he was part psychic.

When he first saw the man he felt off, shrugging off the feeling thinking that his man is another douche who wants Baek for his body, but later that night he had a dream that kept him up until dawn.

Chanyeol, lying on the ground.

There were two things in his pocket.

A ring and a note.

Kyungsoo shuddered at the memory, That's why he's been warning the tall man, it would save them all from the pains of the supposed aftermath.

"Babe, You're making me dizzy. Sit down" He looked at his boyfriend, he didn't realized he's being watched by Jongin, sighing he plopped down next to him.

"I'm sorry, I just can't get that dream out of my head" He said, leaning his head on Jongin's shoulder.

When Kyungsoo told Jongin about his dream he sat Kyungsoo down and asked him if he's drunk, which earned him a smack from the smaller.

But when Jongin took a second look at his boyfriend, He looked distressed.

"Look Soo, we can't stop them from seeing each other" Jongin said.

"Why? they would only get hurt in the end"

"Well you know what they say 'it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'" Jongin said, capturing his lover's lips for a quick kiss.

"So you're saying we just let them?"

"Yes, we're Baek's best friends, but we're not his parents, we can't tell him what to do, we're just here to guide and take care of him"

"Since when are you so wise?" Kyungsoo teased, kissing Jongin's nose.

"Since I started dating you"

They both laughed.

Maybe he'll give Chanyeol a chance.



Baekhyun looked at the yellow notes in front of him, he smiled, No one has ever exerted this much effort on him, well except Kyungsoo and Luhan but this time it's different.

this Park Chanyeol guy was really, really trying.

maybe he's the one?

Baekhyun thinks about the movie '50 first dates'
and how Henry made alot of efforts just to make Lucy fall inlove with him everyday.

He wished that this Chanyeol guy could do that too, he already covered the effort part, all he needs now is the falling in love part.

Baekhyun heard knock on his door, maybe it was Chanyeol he thoughts, he hurriedly went to his front door, he let out a breath.

when he opened the door he was met by a handsome big eared man.


"Hi Park Chanyeol" Baekhyun smiled.

Chanyeol gave him an amused smile.

"Seems like someone studied their notes" He gestured Chanyeol inside, Chanyeol taking out some envelopes in his pocket.

"What are those for?"

"Well these are for your notebook" Taking out the pictures of himself, taking a seperate envelope "And this is for you, read it when I leave later Alright?" He gave the envelope to Baek.

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