Running Out Of Time

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Next thing Tae knew, it was a couple weeks later. He'd seen Arthit around a few more times, but they hadn't hung out like that one day. They messaged each other on LINE, and even sent silly texts, but other than that there had been no contact between the two.

Tae sighed, letting his head fall to his desk. Class had ended just a few minutes ago, and he felt exhausted. Luckily, the problems with his "parents" had been resolved without his having to travel back to Korea after all. But it was still added stress on top of classes, homework, the gatherings, and the upcoming thirty day deadline.

There were nine days left.

Nine days to cause someone to fall in love with him, and give him the kiss that would bind him to his body.

Tae huffed, lifting his head. He stared out the window to his left, watching as the rain came down gently, and wished he could see Arthit. He hoped Arthit had taken an umbrella with him, and wasn't caught out in the rain.

I miss him...


Tae turned his head to the right. Dae stood there, looking down at him in vague annoyance.

"I'm sorry, but I can't go back to the dorm with you just yet. I have to go to the office and talk to a teacher."

"Oh. About your transfer?"

"Yeah. And something to do with my schedule, I think. I dunno," Dae shrugged. "But I'll see you after I'm done, okay?"

"Sure," Tae nodded, giving Dae a small wave as he left the classroom.

Great. Now he had to walk back to the dorm in the rain and alone.


He was being followed. Tae could hear footsteps behind him, but whenever he looked back, there was nothing there.

If he'd been in his original body, he wouldn't have been quite so scared. But that was the thing -- he wasn't in his old body. And the body he had now was smaller and weaker. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance in a fight. And he knew it had to be the Media faculty guys that wouldn't let up harassing him about switching following him. They got meaner and more physical with each confrontation.

He took out his phone, hunching over it so it wouldn't get rained on, and sent a LINE to Arthit.

TaeTae: I'm being followed

Arthit immediately sent a LINE back. Tae could almost hear his worry in the message.

P'Arthit: Stay where the people are. Don't go down deserted alleyways. Where are you?

TaeTae: On my way back to my dorm.

P'Arthit: Is Dae with you?

TaeTae: No. He had to stay behind to talk to a teacher.

TaeTae: I think they've gotten closer. What do I do??

P'Arthit: I'm on my way. I'll try to hurry. How close are you to the dorm?

TaeTae: It's still two buildings away. I'm practically jogging now.

Tae's heart was pounding so hard, it hurt. He wasn't used to feeling such fear for his life. But after having all the real Taemin's memories, he understood that being constantly bullied and belittled would program him to respond with fear in such situations. He hoped he got to the dorm building the before whoever it was reached him. He really didn't want to talk to the Media guys again.

TaeTae:  I'm close. I can see the doors.

P'Arthit: Good. Can you still hear them behind you? I'm partway there.

Not Even DeathNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ