Avoidance Is Not The Key

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Tae was right -- he'd been humiliated the next day when he woke up.

How the hell am I gonna be able to face him now??

Dae tried to weasel out what was making his best friend act so crazy, but to no avail. Tae would just shake his head, and mutter to himself.

Both his classes passed in a blur for him that day. If anyone asked him what the professors had said, or what the homework was, he'd just give them a blank look. Nothing was piercing the fog of heavy fear he had swirling through him. What if someone had seen him kiss Arthit?? What if who he was caused Arthit to get bullied or looked down on??

Tae stopped in his tracks outside the gym doors. Through the window, he could see the rest of the freshmen sitting in their spots, waiting for the head hazer to get done talking -- to Arthit. Tae felt his eyes go wide with horror.

He's here to kill me!

Just as he was thinking that, Arthit happened to look over at the doors, his gaze meeting Tae's.

Tae turned tail and ran.


Arthit stood there in stunned disbelief for a few seconds. What the...did he just run away from me??

"P'Arthit?" Tew gave him an odd look. "Is something wrong?"

"I just remembered, I have to talk to someone," Arthit rushed. He did a fast walk to the doors, exiting the gym. "Now, where is that kid?"

Tae was at the far end of the hallway, almost to the corner.

Arthit narrowed his eyes at Tae's back. "Running away isn't going to fix anything, you little sneak." He took off after Tae, grateful there was no one around to see him running down the corridor in his work clothes. He'd come straight there after clocking out to confront Tae about the kiss from last night.

He turned the corner, and paused. Tae had ran into a girl carrying an armload of books, which were now all over the hallway. The girl had an annoyed look on her face as Tae hurriedly picked them up for her while apologizing.

"Here, I'll carry some for you," Tae offered, his face pink from exertion and embarrassment.

The girl made a face. "No, that's okay. I can do it. Thanks for picking them up, though."

Tae smiled weakly, inclining his head as the girl walked away with her books. "I am such a klutz," he groaned, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back against the wall with a dull thud.

"And a sneak."

Tae opened his eyes, and let out a small squeak of surprise and fear.

Arthit had taken advantage of the fact that Tae had his eyes closed by placing a hand on either side of him, caging him against the wall. He smiled humorlessly.

"It's not everyday someone runs away from me. Should I be offended?"

Tae blushed and looked away.

"You wanna tell me what that was about last night?"

"I'm sorry!" Tae yelped, closing his eyes again. "I did it without thinking!"

Arthit frowned. Tae was acting like he was going to punch him or something. Why? "I'm not gonna do anything to you. I just wanted to know what it meant."

Tae hesitantly opened his eyes back up, his gaze trained over Arthit's shoulder. "What it...meant?"


"...you asked what you won. I didn't have anything else, so the k-kiss was an impulse."

Arthit gently grasped Tae's chin, forcing him to look the older man in the eye. "Are you sure?"

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