P'Bright's Bar

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Tae was nervous as he stood outside Bright's bar, staring inside without really seeing anything. How had he let M talk him into this?? There was no way Arthit would fall for him again. Not unless he told Arthit who he really was, and that wasn't allowed, since Death told him whoever he "courted" had to fall on their own without him revealing himself. Made no sense, but whatever. He wasn't going to jeopardize his only chance at staying on Earth.

So here he was, dressed reluctantly in his most flattering clothes by Dae, with a touch of eyeliner to make his eyes bigger and more mysterious.

Tae sucked in a breath, and pulled the door open. Here goes nothing. He stepped inside, eyes scanning the room for M and the others. He found them at the back, talking and laughing, not even noticing him standing there. Tae shook his head, a small smile appearing on his face.

"There he is!"

Tae squawked wordlessly as M tugged him into the seat beside him.

M grinned, one arm around Tae's shoulders. "What took so long? We've been here almost an hour already!"

"Dae wouldn't let me leave until I was dressed to his satisfaction," Tae grumbled.

"Oh?" M looked around. "And where is he? Wasn't he coming with you?"

"He's outside, on the phone with his phor," Tae informed him, noticing Tew perk at that. Waddya know...M wasn't imagining it.

Me quickly looked Tae over, then whispered in the smaller boy's ear, "Dae did a great job. P'Arthit isn't gonna be able to take his eyes off you."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Tae grumbled, pushing M off him. "Off. Your arm is too heavy."

M just laughed and turned away to talk to Wad, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

Tae took the chance to look around the group, noting it was a combination of former hazers and current hazers. He wondered if maybe he could be a hazer this time? After all, he'd been the original choice for head hazer of his group, but then the accident had happened and taken all that away. Though Tew seemed to be doing an awesome job, so Tae couldn't really complain.

Knot, Prem and Tutah sat across the table from Tae, talking lowly amongst themselves. Knot glanced up a few times, looking at Tae with an unreadable look that made him uncomfortable. Tae gazed around the rest of the group. Next to Tutah was May, Maprang, Oak, Wad, M, Tae himself, a couple empty chairs, then Tew who sat next to Knot.

"Sorry I'm late! Phor needed me to go over some documents before I left."

Tae swallowed hard as the achingly-familiar, velvety voice washed over him.

"It's fine, P," Tew said, smiling and gesturing to the two chairs between him and Tae. "Take a seat. P'Bright will join us in a bit."

Arthit sighed as he settled in a chair. "I'm so exhausted, it's not even funny."

"At least you have a job!" Prem shot at him good-naturedly. "I'm still hunting for one."

"Have you tried asking P'Bright if you could work at his bar until you find one?" Wad asked, not even looking at Prem.

Prem made a face. "He already said he wasn't hiring friends before he even set this place up."

Tae felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Arthit had sat next to him! He snuck a small peek at the older man, wishing he could tell Arthit everything. But...that damn condition had a lock on his lips.


Tae jerked his head up. Dae was leaning over his shoulder, a serious look on his face.

This can't be good...

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