Media vs Engineering

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Tae was walking down the sidewalk after classes were done the next day, eager to get a drink before the freshman gathering. His last class had been dismissed early, so he was determined to take advantage of the extra time for a quick treat. He knew there were others behind him, taking the same exact route. He figured they were doing the same as him, and didn't think much about it.

He headed inside the small building, going straight to the drink stall. "One pink milk, please," he asked, giving the Aunty behind the counter a sweet smile.

She flushed a slight pink, smiling back at him. "Such a sweet boy. Just one second, dear."

Tae nodded, looking around the rest of the place. There was a small noodle stall, and a couple others he wasn't sure what they were. The Aunty placed his pink milk on the counter, telling him the price. He counted out the exact amount, then a bit extra as a tip, and left with the milk before she could try to give the extra money back to him.

"Hey, you!"

Tae swallowed the mouthful of pink milk he'd just taken, and looked up to see a group of five guys, all a bit taller than him. "Uh...yes? Can I help you?"

One stepped closer to him, raking his eyes over Tae. "You're the kid from Korea, right?"

Tae felt a hot, angry flush flood through his body. But he kept his voice calm and friendly, "Yes, I am."

"If you're so famous over there, why didn't you join the Media faculty?" The guy sneered. "You're wasting your time with Engineering. Bunch of dumb guys pushing each other around."

Tae gazed at him for a few seconds, thinking. "I chose Engineering for a reason. I happen to like that faculty."

The guy glared at him. "Like I said, you're wasting your time. You could be an idol!"

"I don't want to be," Tae sighed. "I just want a nice, normal life." He checked his watch. "I'm sorry, but I have to go or I'll be late for the gathering." He cautiously walked around the group, heading back to the university.

"Don't think we're through with you, kid!" The guy called after him. "You belong in Media, not Engineering!"

Tae started walking faster, hoping they wouldn't come after him. He quickly looked over his shoulder, but didn't see them anywhere. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Something wrong?"

Tae yelped and jumped, startled, nearly dumping his drink on the ground.

M stared at him in a mixture of amusement and bemusement. "Wow...never saw you jump so high before. Not even during a basketball game."

Tae glowered at him. "Not! Funny!"

"What happened to make you so jumpy, Tae?"

"Ugh...these guys from Media were basically demanding I switch to their faculty."

M frowned. "Morons. They keep doing that to every guy or girl in any faculty that is attractive and talented. You might wanna stay close to a friend or two whenever you go somewhere, just for protection."

Tae made a face. "I don't need a babysitter, M. They'll lose interest in a couple weeks."

"Doubt it. Never have before," M muttered, falling into step with Tae as he walked towards the gym. He noticed the drink on Tae's hand. "Pink milk, huh?"

Tae's ears reddened. "Not one word."

"I wasn't gonna tease. I just think it's funny how you drink his favorite drink, and to this day he's been drinking yours."

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