Chapter 35 ~ Phantom

Start from the beginning

   One of them imbeds itself into my stomach. I gasp, pain striking through me. Though we try to numb out the agony, it was barely effective. We fall to the floor. My head hits against the ground, all I can do it stare ahead as my heartbeat thuds in my ears.

   Shadow was walking towards me as I bled out before him. His steps were weakening, the glow around him was flickering again. The energy is wearing him down... I think. But he still has enough left to... finish me off.

   I feel the Ruby step down for just a moment. I am in control for just a moment. The pain worsens, and I whimper with a quivering voice. I reach my shaking hand out to him. It only reaches a few inches off the ground.

   "Somebody..." I faintly whisper. My vision blurred slightly for a moment, but then it clears instantly with the shot of pain that went through me. The spear in my stomach vanished, and I was bleeding out. "...Help me."

   My hand falls to the ground, my eyes close for a moment. Then the creature inside me takes over again, my sight is back, the pain isn't as intense. Our body raises up from the ground, I can feel some of the large wounds on my body close slightly. The hole in my torso barely healed.

   I then realize that (Y/N) was on the ground and Sonic was beside her. She was sitting up, a hand on her head. Her eyes look to me in fear. Sonic glares at me, teeth gritted together. A dark aura seems to emanate from him.

   Sonic dashes past Shadow, and he shoves us to the ground. His green eyes weren't like they were before. They were filled with utter hate. Sonic's words plague my mind again.

   "That mask can't hide how sad and lonely you are". Why that one sentence bothering me so much? Why is that sticking with me?

   Is it the fact that Sonic would likely never say something so blunt in the tone he used? My brain can barely make sense of all this... it's shutting down. I'm fading away... I mustn't let that thing control me. I can't it shove me aside so it can do whatever it pleases.

   "I'm done with letting you villains get away with everything with no consequences!" he yells in my face.

   "Don't talk to me about consequences!" I snarl, the voice allowing me to speak. Anger filled me. He doesn't know – no one knows what I've lived through! Sonic can never compare himself to me! He has never lost anyone, let alone the ones closest to him!

   A part of me wanted to rip him apart for what he said.

   Sonic punches me in my healing gut. I cry out in pain. He grabs me by the shoulders, pulling me closer to meet his cold eyes. They belonged to a different person. That isn't Sonic.

   "Then tell me! Give this up and talk to someone!" He was shaking me. "If you lost people then don't resort to destroying the world!"

   The thing takes over again, directing the little energy left to our stomach. Healing it. The pain fades slowly. Soon, the power is directed somewhere else. It was hard to pinpoint... it was... everywhere.

   Shadow stumbles to Sonic, placing his hand on Sonic's shoulder. Sonic quickly looks to him, but shoves his hand off, looking back to me.

   "Look around at what you've done! What you're doing!" Sonic raises one fist, ready to strike me. Shadow snatches his wrist.

   "Stop," Shadow commanded. His eyes were dead serious as he looked down at his blue counterpart.

   Sonic sighs deeply. He lets go of my other shoulder, then punches me in the face with that free limb. I hear a crack. The back of my head hits the ground again, everything blurs for a moment.

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