Chapter 1-Running away

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Wallet, check. Extra clothes, check. Tent and sleeping bag, check. Food and water, check. Pocket knife and gun, check.

I took one more look around my old bedroom. I was sad to leave the home I grew up in. But I had no choice. My dad never fully recovered after witnessing my mom's murder 7 months ago, so for some reason child services got to decide that he can't take care of me anymore. It's absolute bullshit! Uh I mean... sorry Dad. He never approved of swearing. I checked the hall to see if Margaret was there. She was the one putting me in foster care. Fortunately, she was too busy on the phone to pay attention to me. I decided to take a chance.

I quietly sprinted out the door and into the woods. I slowed my paste once I thought that I was far enough, I still had a long trip ahead. I looked for the landmarks I planted, as I used this trail often. About another 13 km until I'm at the top of the mountain. That's where things are gonna get tricky. See, I've never actually gone over the mountain, but I knew there was a bus station that could take me far away from here. Sure it may seem a bit drastic, but I can't go into foster. I enjoyed my freedom.

I knew I would miss my dad a lot though. Last time I saw him was when he had been checked in to the mental hospital. I told him I'd see him soon... I just hoped he'd be ok. I stopped in my tracks. Was I being selfish by leaving him? No, he'd want me to be happy.

I continued walking for hours until the sun began to set, so I decided to make camp. I set my tent up in a nice mossy clearing. This way I was able to see the stars in the night sky. It reminded me just how small I am. This may scare some people, but I was truly fascinated at the shear vastness of our universe. I started to drift into sleep.

I slowly blinked awake the next morning. I was lucky enough to have a nightmareless sleep. Ever since my mom died, a sound sleep had become a rarity. I got out of the tent to smell the fresh air. The sun was rising, so it must've been close to 6:30 or 7:00 am. It was a bit earlier than I wanted to wake up, but an early start couldn't hurt.

I got changed into my red hoodie and some sweatpants and put my sneakers on. Sure it was August, but the mountains got quite chilly. I was about to start packing my tent, when I felt the ground shake. An earthquake maybe? But then I started to hear loud thuds. What the heck? The sounds got closer and closer, knocking me off balance. Then I saw a giant... giant?

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