4. The Wilds

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The fireteam of eight jumped out of the hulking ship and landed in a small town that had long been forgotten. Buildings were crumbling due to centuries of neglect. Rory walked cautiously taking care to keep watch over whatever strange creature might try to jump out at her.

"Welcome to Trostland!" Cayde-6 bellowed seemingly unfazed by the ominous feeling that hung in the stale air.

The rest of the team seemed to be at ease in this place as well. All of them were professionals, no doubt they have spent much time out here.

Rory stepped lightly over to one of the Hunters.

"Why do some of you wear Cloaks and others do not?" She inquired.

"Only the best wear the cloaks that why," Dallas-74 smirked.

His ghost seemed to agree with him as he looked just as smug as his Guardian.

"It means we're Hunters." Pax chimed in "we've learned how to wield the Travelers light in ways that no other Guardians can. We operate in stealth and speed. Our cloaks help us track. Some of them omit energy that helps us sense even the slightest movements in our environment, kind of like a sixth sense if you will."

"What about that guy over there?" She pointed to a Titan who was inspecting a nearby patrol unit that was protruding from the ground.

"His name is Kai, that's his ghost Silver and he is a Titan." Pax looked at her "He mostly works as with the Striker codes. He's one of the best we have, and you'll see why. I'll have him watch my back any day."

"What about you?" She turned to face him" What kind of light resides in you?"

Pax felt a lump come up in his throat as she looked him with a certain curiosity he had not seen in a long time. An admiration shined in her green eyes. His mind fumbled through a million thoughts trying to steady himself.

"I," he cleared his throat" I am a what is called a Nightstalker."

"How can you tell what class you belong to?" She asked, even more, pressing and slightly leaning forward.

"All of us can touch the various light codes inside of us. But when we truly identify with the one that speaks to us, we hone it as if sharpening a blade." Pax replied.

"Alright, gang let's get it together." Cayde-6 clapped his gloved hands together "Gather round, gather round."

Pax felt a bit of relief at hearing Cayde-6's words. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a bottle of water and gulped it to wet his dry mouth and gathered with the group. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Rory, though he tried to pay attention to the mission instructions.

Each of the members stood around impressively ready for combat. They were paying rapt attention to their trusted teacher and friend.

"We have a newbie here and we're gonna show her how this is done." Cayde-6 gestured toward Rory" I want you all to show her what you can do, but most importantly educate her on how to stay safe out there. Show her how to protect her ghost at all costs."

The team nodded in agreement and gathered to pat her on the shoulder.

"We got chu." Kai's young face comforted her.

He looked much younger than the rest of the team. Though his deep voice would make you think he was a lot older. His armor was dented and scratched from years of use. Silver floated most loyally closer to him than she has seen any ghost other than her own stay near their Guardian. It seemed they really loved each other. He patted his ghost as she nuzzled his cheek like a little puppy.

Rise of A Guardian - A Character  Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now