Chapter 24

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Ezekiel was annoyed. Why did those pesky humans have to enter his territory of all places? He didn't feel like dealing with them. So he had simply ignored them for the past week and felt that was already quite kind of him. After all he didn't harm them. Not many of his brothers would have taken the same course of action.

In fact, he hadn't felt like dealing with anything during the last seven days and didn't even complete his border patrols or any other duty that came with the territory. That way he could pretend that everything was fine.

He had managed to deceive himself until yesterday. Until he had to pay Rahab back the favour he owed her. Suddenly he couldn't deny his friend's request for death and he had no idea what had brought this forth. What drove her to this point? He had tried to reason with her but she couldn't be swayed. In the end he could only fulfill his promise to grant her one request no matter what. He hadn't expected it to turn out this way,

When he traveled to the desert to meet Rahab he was surprised that she wasn't alone. Ezekiel was even more astonished by the fact that he knew her companion. It was a short girl whom he had met years ago when he once left his territory. Back then, one of his brothers had enraged him by successfully stealing a part of his treasure and he went off to vent because their mother wouldn't tolerate infighting.

Lina had looked like a good snack but proved him wrong fast. The beating he received at least made him forget his anger at his brother. Years later he met her again and over the years his feelings of resentment had slowly turned into something akin to admiration. It took courage to stand up to a dragon his size.

Her humanoid form also reminded him of the problem located in his dungeons and he decided to seek her advice. She was coming around a lot and should be the most suited for dealing with delicate situations.

By now the humans had told her some sob story about how they were imprisoned by a vampire and used as blood donors against their will before escaping in the brightness of the day and stumbling into his territory.

Ezekiel stole a glance at Lina to check how she was taking in the new information. He was pleased to see that she wasn't very impressed with their story and wore an aloof expression. He had made the right choice in asking her to come along.

„...that vile reptile!", one of his prisoners shouted. Ezekiel bristled at the label. Since Lina had come in the humans dared to run their mouths off more and more. In front of him they only cowered down and didn't utter a sound so their sudden attitude caught him slightly off guard.

Maybe they were under the wrong impression that Lina was a human like them? That she would sympathize with them? And help them against the big, bad dragon? Then they were in for a rude awakening. He had judged Lina to be a sensible guest who would know her boundaries. She wouldn't overstep them just to help some strangers.

„Ezekiel?", Lina asked and he hummed absentmindedly.

„You weren't listening, were you?"

„No, but did they tell you anything important?" This time it was the man's turn who had insulted him to become offended. „Not important? Our lives were at stake!"

„The only thing noteworthy for you is that they claim their trespassing to be an accident and that they would forever be in your debt if you let them leave", Lina concluded.

„As if I would ever owe a debt to a-", the male human started.

„I advise you don't finish that sentence if you want to have any chance of getting out of here", Lina suggested.

„Why are you taking that thing's side on this?", the male asked and pointed at Ezekiel.

„Why wouldn't I?", Lina returned his question, „Nowadays everybody is fully aware of the borders between territories and you not looking where you're going is very negligent. Basically you're the one at fault. And you still insist on insulting the one who will decide your fate? That's not very smart. I guess my sources were wrong concerning the level of human intelligence"

„I'm very sorry. My son didn't mean it like that", the man's co-prisoner stepped out of the shadows, „He's only very scared and concerned for our family and is spouting nonsense"

Instead of looking at Lina the elderly man turned towards Ezekiel mollifying him a little. It was good if those humans still remembered who had the last say in their nearest future. „It's okay. Just make him shut up from now on"

The group's new speaker tilted his head thankfully. „So may we please leave? My family hasn't eaten for a week and we'd like to put this episode behind us while we can"

„Ah, yes. I always forget that humans are quite fragile and are constantly in need of food and water"

The group of humans gathered in front of the cells while keeping a wary distance between their group and Ezekiel and Lina. There were seven humans all together with the youngest still an infant and the oldest consisting of the elderly who just spoke. Ezekiel wondered how they even made it tjis far. Vampire territority wasn't exactly close.

„I'll show you outside. Follow me", he told them.

Ezekiel took them back to the clearing where he had landed and pointed east. „Always head in this direction and you will reach Asia in a few weeks. If you keep to the taiga you won't have any problems with other territories until you're outside of Russia. I hereby give you my permission to cross my territory but nothing more. I expect you to leave as fast as possible"

Then he pointed west. „If you want you can also go that way. This direction leads to where you came from and you might want to know that a vampire was asking about your group. You may choose which path you want to take", he told them lazily.

The group of humans paled and the rude man cursed. „That bloodsucker is already searching for us? You told us we'd have more time before he noticed our absence!", he blamed a delicate woman.

Ezekiel had had enough of the man's attitude and snarled in warning: „I gave you the opportunity to leave and you still don't take it?"

The elderly man startled. „No, we're already gone", he conceded and started ushering his group eastwards. Then he turned back once more and bowed to the dragon. „Thank you very much for letting us leave. Like the girl earlier said we'll be in your debt. If we might ever be able to help you with anything come looking for us. My name is Shinya Aomori"

The dragon stared at him unimpressed for a while making the man squirm. „It's fine. Just go already", he sighed. And with that the group of humans was finally gone. Ezekiel turned towards Lina. In this form he barely reached up to her hips. „What are you going to do from here on?"

„Now, that I've been to Russia my next destination should be Asia", she replied.

„You shouldn't go in that direction", he advised her, „Asia is currently a powder keg as the shifters are having power struggles. The situation over there is similar to a civil war"

„Really? I didn't know that", Lina was surprised, „When did the situation go that dire?"

„Just recently", he answered vaguely, „but instead of travelling further you could always stay here"

„I'd rather not. I don't take well to keeping to one place. It makes me restless", she explained. „I'll follow your advice and head towards Europe. Changing the order of visited continents doesn't deter my goals"

„Can I come with you?", Ezekiel inquired spontaneously.

„I won't tell you no but can you leave your territory for that long?"

„Officially no but nobody has ever checked up on me and my duties in the last decades so I don't see why not"

„It's your decision. Just know that I'll travel on foot and you won't be able to fly for the most part of the journey"

„That's okay", he hummed happily, „Let's go"

„Right now? Don't you want to bring anything with you?"

„Nah, too bothersome. Whatever I need I'll borrow from you", he told her shamelessly.


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