Chapter 22

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Gaspard was amazed. What was with this situation? He looked at his leader for instructions but Mathieu was deep in thoughts. Now that the dragon had mentioned knowing Lina, Gaspard found him much more likeable.

„We have a skillful medic in our team. She could take a look at your injuries", Gaspard suggested.

„No", the dragon declined, „It's already too late for me. But you could end my suffering by granting me a faster death"

Gaspard was taken aback by the request. Just as he wanted to tell the dragon that it shouldn't be so pessimistic, Mathieu became active again. „Did Lina tell you that we are homunculi or did you figure that out by yourself?"

„Naturally, she told me. I'm half dead and met you literally five seconds ago. It's not like you have 'homunculus' written on your forehead", the dragon berated.

Gaspard didn't like the way Mathieu took to that information. He went completely still. Then, as if remembering that he wasn't alone, he jerked and adressed the dragon: „You want us to kill you?" The dragon nodded. „Fine by me. But how? If I remember correctly dragon scales a very hard and won't be penetrated by normal blades and bullets"

The dragon snorted. „Can't you see I'm a water dragon? Compared to my relatives my scales are very soft and you will have no problem cutting through them"

Mathieu nodded in understanding and took out his hidden dagger. It was still covered in the manticore's dried blood. Next to the dragon's head the dagger looked ridiculously small even though it was as long as his forearm. But Gaspard knew that with the right technique the size wasn't a problem at all. In the blink of a moment, Mathieu had already servered the head from its body. Shockingly white blood was leaking from the stump between the dragon's shoulders.

His leader sheathed his dagger again and turned towards Gaspard. „We need to find Lina" Gaspard internally agreed with that but had a feeling he wouldn't fancy his leader's next words much, „and kill her after we figure out how she came to know about us"

„No!", Gaspard gasped in horror, „Why would you want to kill her?"

„Because she somehow figured out that we aren't human and told another creature our secret", Mathieu accused, „I find it even more alarming that that wasn't your first thought as well"

„Of course that wouldn't be my first thought!", Gaspard wanted to slam his head against a wall at his leader's ignorance, „Lina has known since a long time ago that I was a homunculus. In fact, the first time we met she called me that instead of using my name. From there it wouldn't be hard to figure out that my companion's might be of the same kind. And she only told a lone hermit in the middle of the desert. Where's the harm in that?"

„When did you meet her? And how did she know of your nature back then?"

„I already told you about that years ago", Gaspard huffed in frustration, „She was the one who saved me during my last mission by giving me first aid and showing me a way outside. She's the saviour you all told me I had just imagined. And she likely knew I was a homunculus because only our kind was used for suicide missions in that style"

„I still can't trust her to blab our secret to anybody else"

„And do what? Kill her? Even the dragon found the notion of us helping her ridiculous! Lest killing her! That's just impossible"

„You were the one jumping at every chance to help her somehow! By your actions the whole team got the impression that she was a delicate and fragile"

„Because I owe her a debt! I know that she probably doesn't need nor want my help but if I can make her life a little easier, I will gladly do so", Gaspard blushed.

„So you'd choose her over us?", Mathieu asked gravely.

„I'm not choosing anybody!", Gaspard defended, „I just want us all to get along! Didn't you say that everybody on our team is family? Shouldn't you be a little more grateful towards Lina when she saved one of your kin?"

„I am grateful. Besides you never told me before that it was her. You had 6000 km since Johannesburg to do that!", Mathieu argued, „But if she endangers my teammates by telling others our secret I won't just idly stand by"

„Can we stop this now? I don't want to fight with you about this", Gaspard pleaded, „We don't even know in which direction she left. I don't think we'll meet her again any time soon"

„Shit, you're right. I should've asked the dragon before killing it"

„What are we going to do now? Go back to the others?"

„Nah, we'll have them come here", Mathieu stated, „this valley is pretty low and shouldn't be affected too much if a sandstorm were to occur. We could also use a bath and we've got a ready to eat dinner here"

„You want to eat the dragon?!", Gaspard was horrified.

„Well, yes", Mathieu dawdled, „It's already dead so it would be a waste not to"

„But we just talked to it minutes ago", Gaspard whined.

„If you're too prissy you can always stick to field provisions. I myself am looking forward to juicy meat. And I was once told that dragon was really delicious"

Gaspard still wasn't convinced. Eating a being he had conversed with didn't sit well with him. Yet he could no longer stand the dry crackers they were consuming everyday. He was aware that he should be thankful for not having to go hungry yet he couldn't really appreciate it.

Sighing, he postponed this eating matter to a later time and went to get the others. They were pleasantly surprised that they would already set camp as it was just after midday. But they didn't complain. After all they would receive a bath and a fresh meal.

In the end, no sandstorm occured. They enjoyed their baths and Gaspard gave in to peer pressure and tried the dragon meat. It reminded him of snake and he stopped eating before he was fully sated. His stomach simply couldn't handle eating more after his worst hunger was over.

Gaspard had convinced Mathieu to not tell the others about their conversation with the dragon and Lina. It would only make the others unnecessarily nervous. And he definitely wanted to prevent Manon from getting more stressed.

After eating he volunteered once again for guard duty. Mathieu shot him a look to remind him that he also needed to sleep but the others were glad to hand the task over.

This time while watching them sleep the feeling of loneliness and being misunderstood washed over him.

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