Chapter 2

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Mathieu was desperate. He couldn't help chewing on his tongue. His nervous tic for as long as he could remember. In response Manon elbowed him in the ribs leading to him biting his tongue and huffing in pain. This had been their routine for at least 40 years and he wouldn't want it any other way.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, their actual situation was anything but routine. Gaspard, the substitute scout of their team, was missing and he had no idea if he was still alive. It really didn't help that his scout had the ability to turn himself invisible by mimicing his surroundings. Thus, it was nearly impossible to spot him without the use of hightech technology or draining magic. Neither was available to him at the moment.

The last time they had seen Gaspard was before he embarked on a new scouting trip to explore the area. That was ten hours ago. He had been supposed to be back 4 hours ago. At first Mathieu thought he found something interesting and simply forgot to come back on time.

Yes, that had happened before. Normally a heavy punishment would have been in order but back then Mathieu decided to cut him some slack since the war was already over and Gaspard was still bothered by his partner's disappearance. And now because of his leniency Mathieu had to deal with two missing scouts and teammembers.

He regretted setting foot in this foreign country and listening to Gaspard during their stay in Johannesburg when he insisted on following a certain inconspicuous figure heading north. Mathieu didn't understand how his scout, who was usually a happy go lucky guy but hostile to strangers, managed to convince him to follow that figure for about 6000 kilometer. He chalked it up to having a soft spot for every single one of his teammates.

Back in Johannesburg he wasn't completly unhappy with the situation. Quite the opposite actually. Because Gaspard had been utterly devastated after Ciel, Gaspard's partner and the group's regular scout, disappeared. Therefore, Mathieu as his friend and leader was relieved when he started showing interest in something not-Ciel-related again.

But now he could only curse himself for indulging Gaspard in this crazy chase across the whole African continent. If only he had stopped him earlier, they wouldn't have gotten in this wacky situation.

He wasn't usually that soft. During the war he even had a reputation for being brutal and ruthless. Maybe following his orders obediently and slaughtering a whole pack of werewolves including the elderly and children more than once had led to that. Mathieu couldn't care less about those who weren't his teammates. He also didn't understand why most people were reluctant to kill little kids. To him it was the same as any other kill and he prefered leaving no loose ends. Less potential avengers.

With one last sigh he resumed his role as leader and turned to his teammates who were all surrounding him in a circle and staring expectantly at him. Ready for his orders. Some things would never change.

„Elodie, Etienne", he addressed the two members of his team who were well versed in magic and watched them straigthen. „Could you perform a tracking spell to search for Gaspard?" He knew his request was asking for a lot as they were in the middle of nowhere and magic seemed to be non-existent around here. It was probably depleted during the Great War. Some spells took a huge toll on nature and were still visible after decades.

The general estimation for magic to recover were fluctuating around the 100 year mark and that was only valid in populated areas. Here in the desert it would take way longer. Mathieu himself was one of the few creatures unable to use magic as his creators didn't deem it necessary for him to have that skill. Instead his resistance against magic was increased and he had learned how to stop others from using magic against him.

„Under normal circumstances I would tell you 'No problem' but our current situation is a little different as I can sense absolutely no magic in this whole desert. And that's really unusual. I'm afraid something else is going on here" Elodie told her leader while shuffling from one foot to the other but keeping eye contact.

„There is still an option left. It's just a little dangerous", interjected Etienne looking at Mathieu for permission to keep speaking which he immediately received by a raised eyebrow, „We could use our life energy as replacement for the natural magic and try to track Gaspard. Of course, there is no guarantee that he is in a trackable state but it's still worth a try"

Trackable state was a nice euphemism for not dead. Or captured by a magican stronger than his two teammates intercepting their spell.

Mathieu wanted to ask Manon what she thought would be the best course of action yet his longtime partner wasn't even listening. Instead she was staring into the distance, where, not so distant anymore, a small figure got closer and closer. Manon tensed in preparation for battle but before she could attack Elodie stopped her.

„That's our 'guide' whom we were following the last few months. I don't think we should be hostile after basically stalking her. Let's see what she wants, right Mathieu?" she concluded. The whole group knew that Elodie had no awareness for danger and Mathieu could see Manon getting angry at her laid-back attitude.

„You still haven't learned your lesson?", asked Manon incredulously, „ Nobody who isn't part of our team can be trusted. We should have had enough encounters to prove that by now for even you to understand. Especially in this case. We've been ignored for the past 3 months and suddenly the other party wants to come over?

That girl probably ran out of provisions and decided to make do with the lifestock that was conveniently following her. Even if she had pure intentions as soon as she finds out who we are, she will try to kill us anyway! Have you forgotten that we don't have any allies in this goddamn world?"

At the last part Elodie flinched back visibly, took a deep breath and replied in a detached voice: „Manon, I know that you have, like most of us, a lot of issues. But it really isn't healthy to always assume the worst of others. We can just ask her why she's coming over. No need to attack her before she even shows the slightest hint of hostility.

Also I've been tasked with observing our guide and I'm sure that that girl is definetely not human as she, besides other giveaways, ate with a frequency similar to the times you are in a good mood: right, never. And her not being human might work in our favour as non-humans have a harder time at recognizing us for who we are.

Moreover, why don't you use a louder voice to announce to everybody that we are from a kind nobody is fond of? Sometimes I really wonder if your 44 years of existence were already enough to succumb to Alzheimers."

Etienne clapped Elodie on the back to calm her down and even Manon herself seemed a bit taken aback as the usual Elodie was very gentle and good natured. Furthermore, the two women on Mathieu's team were connected by a deep friendship cherished by them.

Mathieu took that as the sign that they were all more affected and shaken up by Gaspard's disappearance than they let on. „Enough. We will finish this talk later. For now let's talk to her in as little time as possible and start our search for Gaspard", he told them and signaled them to turn as one towards the approaching figure.

That move might have been too aggressive as the girl halted and looked ready to bolt the other way. At that Mathieu took it upon himself to step forward, grunt a greeting and ask in an intimidating tone. „Do you need smething?"

Manon stepped up to him and slapped him across the back of his head. Something made a clicking noise. Then she whisper-shouted at him: „You're going to scare her off, idiot!", then she did a 180 turn in attitude, gave an exaggerated, cringe-worthy laugh and addressed the person that used to be 5 meters across from them. „How can we help you, my friend?"

But their 'guide' was gone.

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