Chapter 1

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Harry and I been friends since we were babies. We spend all of time together. “Hey Carolina do you want to come wit us to Chicago. We leave in 2 days.” “Yeah I’ll love that.” “Good are you going to take Damon.” “Can he come. I know you guys don’t get along.” “Yeah he can came.” “Are you sure Harry?” “Yeah I’m sure.” “Thank Harry.” I hugged him and left. I got to Damon house. “Hey babe.” “Hey Harry and the guys are going to Chicago do you want to come.” “Yeah when are we leaving.” “In two days.” “Yeah ill sleep over tomorrow.” “Sounds good. I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Okay bye.” He kissed me and I left. I got home. “Carolina, the mail is here.” A letter from my sister. 


Hey Carolina you change your phone. We have bad news we have to talk. Its about mom.

I called my sister. “Hey Julie.” “Hey Carolina. Mom has to talk to you.” I looked at Niall. He wrote on a piece of paper. “Who are you talking to?” “Julie and my mom.” He nodded. “Carolina why did you change your number.” “Mom I gave you my new number.” “No you didn’t” “Yes I did. What so important?” “Your real mom is looking for you.” “That was so important.” “Yes she want to have custody of you.” “I’m 19.” “She doesn’t care.” “What should I do?” “Come home so we can talk as a family.” “Okay I’ll be there in two day.” “I’m going to meet Damon.” “Yes mom.” “Okay I love you princess.” “I love you two mom.” “What happen?” “My real mom wants custody of me.” “Your 19 and the other side of the world.” “I know Niall. I don’t want her to have me.” “Why not she your mom?” “She left me.” “Maybe she has a good reason.” “Yeah she didn’t love me.” “Don’t say that.” “That the only reason Niall.” “No it’s not.” “I’m leave I can’t do this right now.” “Were are you going?” “I don’t know away from here.” “I’m coming with you.” “No Niall.” “Yes Carolina.” “Fine.” I got to my car. Niall kicked me out of the diver set. “Your not driving.” “Why not?” “Because I said so.” “Fine.” “Were should we go?” “I don’t know.” He began to drive. I didn’t say a word. “Come on get out.” “Why are we at the mall.” “I know it always makes you happy when you come.” “How do you know that I never told anyone.” “I notice.” “Come on I know you love your Starbucks.” “Yes I do.” “Talk to me about whats going on.” We had our drinks and sat down on a table. “When I imagine seeing my real mom. All I want o say is why you leave me. How my life would be if I was be if I lived with her and good thing I don’t because I will never had amazing friends like you guys.” He smiled. “Good thing she didn’t keep you. Or I wouldn’t have a friend like you. Your like my sister.” “Thank Niall. I notice that you are always over protective over me.” “I know. Come on lets go bye you something I know your mom going to invite us over for dinner.” “Yeah she is.” We bought the guys some cloths two. My mom loves them she loves when they come over. We got home Harry made food. “Umm it smells good what did you guys bye.” Harry getting annoyed. “I made it.” “No really were did you bye this food.” “I made the food.” “I’m playing claim down.” “Why do you and Niall have so many bags?” “You know how my mom is she will want us all over for dinner.” “Were going?” “Yeah I called her.” “Really why.” “Just to see how she is doing.” “That not why.” “Niall don’t say anything.” “What going on tell me?” “Nothing.” “Tell me I know your lying.” “It’s nothing.” “Food ready.” Zayn said while coming in to the kitchen  “Yeah tell Liam it’s ready.” Harry answered him. “I’ll go tell him.” “No your not Carolina. Now tell me whats going on.” I just left. I walked into Liam room. “Hey food ready.” “Okay I’ll be right down.” “Okay.” I walked into my room. Knowing Harry he not going to stop until he finds out. “Can I come in.” “Sure.” “Why didn’t you tell me about your mom.” “It’s hard and I don’t want to talk about it and I know Niall told you everything.” “You can’t hide it.” “I just don’t know what to do.” “I’m here for you. I’ll support you no matter what.” “Thank Harry.” “Come on lets go eat.” “I don’t want to eat.” “I don’t care you have to eat.” “Fine.” We walked to the kitchen. “You got her down here.” “Yeah Louis.” We began to eat they try to hard not to talk about my real mom. “So Carolina do you have my cloths.” “Yeah it’s in my room.” “Okay good. I don’t want you to ware it.” “oh man I love what I got you Louis I wanted to show it off.” “Don’t you dare wear it.” “Okay I won’t.” 

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