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She joined the school in fourth grade and we became best friends in fifth. Since then we have been called and I quote the "Inseparable Duo". I think it was a girl called Ellen Light or someone who named us that, but I could not be bothered. Since then we have been called that. I do not remember which exact event that led to us being so close, but I think it happened instantly and not like many others - over time.

I remember clearly, we were in fifth grade. Our winter holiday assignment had been to write what we wanted to be. Luna was unsure; but I was determined to join the Detective Academy of San Francisco and graduate as a successful detective, and soon, Luna joined this roller coaster of a dream. Since the days our results were declared, where both of us were the only ones that got full marks, we became competitive best friends. Initially people were afraid we were enemies, and we put on an act of being so, the reactions being hilarious, but soon our classmates caught on.

Since then we have worked hard towards our goal and today we find ourselves, coming back to DASF, after an extremely long and mostly uneventful summer vacation for our second year together. Tied toppers of class in every subject at all times, which, for many would have been annoying, but now for us it is just another subject we make jokes about that no one else gets.

Oh, by the way, we still have our acceptance letters we received pinned on a board at our dorms. Yes, we are that obsessed. Thank me later.

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