Love troubles//branjie

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Teenage branjie
Tw: drinking and drugs
Torn, torn is all that Vanessa feels right now. Her best friend, kameron, just admitted to having a crush on her but she's with Brooke Lynn who she loves to death. She doesn't know how to turn down kameron without ruining their friendship and she doesn't know how to tell Brooke Lynn because you never know how she'll react.

I'm completely shook. Kameron told me she's falling for me and I don't know how to react. She was just over the night before and was acting really different now that I'm thinking about it. I absolutely hate rejecting people because I know how awful it feels to be rejected. Ugh this is too much I'm gonna overthinking everything.
I finally gain the courage to tell kameron I'm not interested in her like that. I don't want this to ruin our friendship but I don't want things to be awkward cause I know they will be. I basically just tell her how I have a girlfriend and how we can still be friends. Shit like that. Now that that was over I have to tell brooke Lynn I can't keep this from her. But I don't know how to tell her.
I want to tell her over FaceTime or in person because you can never know what she is truly feeling over a text or Snapchat. So I decided to FaceTime her since she's been pretty busy and I need to tell her. I ft Brooke and she picks up almost right away. Before she even has a chance to say hi I already am ranting to her.
"So kameron confessed that she has feelings for me and is falling for me. I don't like her like that but I don't wanna ruin our friendship what do I do ugh". I look at Brooke's face and she seems a little taken back by all of that but then responds back with "just tell her the truth and that you still wanna be friends." Honestly what brooke told me was pretty simple but I still didn't think of that. So I sent her the truth and how I feel. I decided to have Brooke over to spend the night cause why not.
It's about 1am and Brooke has been over for a little while now. I go on Snapchat and start to go through stories then I get a video snap from kameron. What I hear scares me. The vid was kameron saying " If you think I'm gonna solve my problems by drinking and smoking ur right cause I'm no pussy." I'm scared that I'm causing her to do this. I don't wanna be the reason. I start freaking out while Brooke is trying to keep me calm. We both decide it's good to go to sleep and try to relax. We cuddle each other then drift of to sleep.
The next morning I wake up before Brooke. I check my phone then go to the app I'm always on, Snapchat. I go through stories from last night and everyone is partying but I'm not surprised by that. But then I come actually kamerons story and I'm scared to open it but I do anyways. It's just videos of her drinking fireball and smoking weed/cigarettes. I'm instantly upset. Even tho I don't like her the way she likes me and it's gonna be awkward for us I just hope this isn't cause of me. Like she was sober for a while before this all happend then the night I rejected her she started to go downhill. Brooke soon wakes up and we go downstairs to eat some breakfast. I hear a knock on my door so I look through the little window on it to see who it is. You'll never believe who I saw......
651 words
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