I See Dead People

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Curling up on the couch you anxiously had your hands clasped together. You weren't anxious because of the horror movie you were watching. You had no issues with that, no, you were anxious about everything else. You had guilt bubbling in your throat. In the heat of the moment you told Beetlejuice to scare all those people – hopefully, no one was hurt. Beetlejuice was a wild card, so you weren't sure what he did to scare them or what he did to that guy. The guy was a definite prick and you feel downright awful for Lydia having to walk in on him with her crush. But you weren't sure if you felt as satisfied as Beetlejuice and Lydia had felt by scaring everyone.

It frightened you how much Lydia has changed as soon as she had met Beetlejuice. She was far more sensitive, quiet. You had spent so long trying to open her up to you, the death of her mother only isolating herself even more to the point she didn't contact you for a while. But now look at her, she's so loud, witty and more prone to the more ...morbid things. And within that moment at the party, you almost felt the same. It was like your mindset reverted and all the sinister thoughts you'd keep to yourself locked away in your mind, got pried open with a crowbar. Your inner sanctum felt violated.

You laughed as you thought of this, sounds like something Delia would say. But it was true! You honestly weren't yourself at that moment. It was like someone was speaking for you-

"Oh my god." You said clasping your hands to your mouth. Lydia and Beetlejuice looked at you in confusion. "Y/N are you okay?" Lydia asked. You quickly came up with a believable excuse "Sorry! I just got really scared for a second there." Referring to the gory movie being displayed on the screen, and thankfully enough, the two shrugged it off.

Did... Beetlejuice possess you at the party? So much was going on in that small amount of time you wouldn't even notice if it was said on your own volition or not. Could you even ask? Should you? He could be invading your thoughts right now. But now he's got you thinking, did he mean it when he said you were "his girl"? He's known to be a floozy with everyone, but you weren't sure he's genuinely interested in you or not. Not like you were head over heels for the guy, but you feel like the way he acts around you isn't a random decision to start flirting with you. But beyond asking him straight up and being subjected to his humiliation routine you're sure that he has, you decide to ask the only other person who would know.

You leaned toward the coffee table and grabbed onto your phone – trying your absolute best not to bring attention to yourself as you turned it on and scrolled through your contacts. While you could talk to Lydia face-to-face you needed to find out now, and besides, you doubt BJ could access your phone. Technology isn't exactly his forte judging how the guy dresses like he's from a zombified rendition of the Great Gatsby.

You started to text Lydia,

Y/N: Hey Lyds don't react when you see this okay? I need to talk to you quick.

Lydia looked at her phone as soon as your message pinged. She glanced at you for a second before she texted back. She's smart.

Lydia: Yeah what's going on??

Y/N: I don't want BJ to notice us, but I want to know about him and how he uhh views me?

Lydia: Wdym?

Y/N: Like does he ...flirt with everyone like how he's been doing it to me?

Lydia: UgHGh GrOSs Y/N Do YoU LiKe HiM???


Y/N: I want to know if he just does this a lot because it's a strange attribute to have???

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