Chapter 5

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Hey guys, I'm back!

Let me know what you think of this chapter.

Again, its a remake of my twilight fanfic, You Make Me Crazy, so things are a little different, but a little similar too. Can you tell who is who?



Lake Lupe was a lot different from any of the places I've been to. In the other places, I was used to high buildings, a sky filled with electric wires and traffic lights, and the sounds of busy streets surrounding me. Lake Lupe was nothing like that. The sky was clear of any electrical wires, there were traffic lights and roads of course, but there wasn't a collective gathering, which made the sky seem much cleaner. The streets were calm and I'd see a few trucks occasionally pass by. The buildings were not nearly as high or huge as the ones from New York or California (not even the slightest). The tallest building here was Lupe Plaza and it was probably half the height of regular buildings in New York. The whole structure of Lake Lupe was different.

For instance, Lake Lupe was actually segmented into three sections. There was the western part of Lake Lupe where I was staying, the eastern, and then the southern, which they called Lake Lupetown. They were all separated by one huge body of water: the actual lake. I guess people got lazy in the naming and just called the whole place Lake Lupe. Fun fact I learned about LL, it was the fourth largest lake in America, but as a town has one of the smallest populations. I was beginning to remember the area because my mother and I used to live in the southern part of LL and whenever I'd visit my dad, ya know before he decided to be a deadbeat and disappear, we always had to cross over some sort of bridge and got through some sort of check point. But if you were to look at a map, Lake Lupe took the shape of an upside down triangle, to me anyway.

"People are really happy to see you here, Maisie."

I looked at Elaine, another unnecessarily tall girl. I by far, was the shortest person in the group—and in my defense, I usually was not shortest, it's just that these children were being fed growth hormones here obviously. At best, I was 5'6", but everyone else was at least 5'9" and over. Regardless of their intimidating height, they were all pretty nice. Most of them. Kaspar was an annoying prick and would often times shove JR for fun. However, Elaine, the mom of the group I figured, would have to break them apart. Cristian would laugh at the mess before him, or worse, try to make a joke out of it. But so far, they haven't done anything towards me.

"Why?" I questioned and quirked my lips to the side, "I don't know them."

A hand came from behind me and clapped my shoulder, "Well, 'cuz of your uncle, Chief Boris, duh."

I slowed to a stop, "Chief Boris?" The others slowed down with me, "I don't understand, is he some sort of Mayor here or something?" Collin, Morgan, and the others just looked at me.

"It's kind of difficult to explain..." How was it so difficult, it's either he is or he isn't a mayor. And if he isn't then why did they keep calling him Chief? And if he is Mayor, than why the heck didn't anyone tell me that he was into politics?

"Like, you wouldn't understand..."

I crossed my arms and pushed my glasses up, "Try me."

There was a sigh, "Alright, kid," it was Stefen, "Look at it this way, we're a small group of town people here, adding us up all together and rounding a few digits here and there, we're probably 6,800 at most. It's not that there isn't a mayor, there is, but he doesn't live anywhere near here. Chief Boris is like our own elected official, our representative so to speak. We all respect him here, so we call him Chief." He shrugged and I nodded my head.

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