♥Ice Challenge♥

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[Name] stood out in her backyard two cold buckets of ice water in front of her a camera playing in front of her as she smiled at it. “Hello my dear YouTube followers, today I’ll be doing the ice bucket challenge” she waved before pointing down at the two buckets which the camera had captured. Taking a deep breath [name] picked up the first bucket before holding it above her head and pouring the icy water on her self.

She instantly dropped the bucket and shivered at the icy feeling coursing throughout her body. Waddling over to the camera she gave a shaky thumbs up before turning it off “hah-hah so c-cold co-cold” she shook grabbing a towel she left on the chairs as she was drying off sasuke just so happened to walk out.

“Why are you so wet?” he questioned sitting down on the chair next to her “I did the ice bucket challenge” she smiled holding the towel around her shoulders. Sasuke groaned looking up at his girlfriend “that’s so stupid what’s the point in throwing freezing ice water on yourself when you can easily get sick no.1 and no.2 it’s a complete waste of water [name] in other words it’s...pointless”

[Name] gasped at her boyfriend “it’s for a good cause sasuke-kun~ you should try it please~” the [hair color] haired girl begged to her raven lover. “I don’t care” he said bluntly getting up “dry yourself off properly or you’ll catch a cold” he made a ‘tch’ sound as he took hold of her towel and began drying off her hair making the [eye color] eyed girl blush as she looked down.

Sasuke smirked at the light pout you shoot him when he was done drying as much of you as he could. “Maybe if you could catch me off guard I’ll do it” [name]’s face lit up at that statement. “Don’t worry I won’t lose catching you off guard is easy, I hope you have a nice warm towel for when I get you soaked” she smirked walking off to prepare for her plan. Sasuke simply shook his head side to side lightly a smirk still on his face ‘good luck with that’ he thought walking back inside.

Attempt 1…
Sasuke sat on his side of the bed typing away on his laptop doing his best to finish his essay for work. [Name] tipped toed inside there shared room sneaking up behind sasuke or so she thought. Right when she was about to jump him and force him to the challenge he moved over just an inch having [name] fall down landing on the soft white fluffy blanket. Sasuke smirked as his girlfriends poor attempt before looking down “I’m not one to let my guard down [name] you know this...give up yet?” he asked raising a thin black brow.

[Name] not loving the feeling of losing especially if it’s sasuke, she shook her head “never~I’ll never give up!” she yelled getting up quickly standing in front of him pointing a slim [skin color] finger in his face “just you watch sasuke I’ll catch you off guard then you’ll be soaked to the bone while I laugh in your face sipping cocoa” she scoffed proudly placing her hands on her hips.

Sasuke just playfully rolled his eyes, he knew when it came to challenges [name] and him were equally skilled and always wanted to outdo the other. Even if they are dating and sharing a house, it was always a competition.

Attempt 2…
Sasuke stood over the sink washing dishes with music playing through his earphones, [name] smirked sneaking up behind up a small bucket of cold water in her hands. Sasuke smirked feeling his girlfriends presence behind him ‘silly silly little [name] when will you learn you can’t sneak up on me’ he thought moving out the way.

The water splashed hitting the sink cleaning the soap suds that rested on the clean dishes in the sink. Sasuke pulled one of his ear buds out and smiled “thanks babe just made it a lot easier for me” he smirked kissing her cheek before walking away a smirk still lingering on his face.

[Name] was fuming with anger “damn it sasuke just do the challenge!!” she yelled dropping the bucket. “Not happening [name]!” he yelled from the front door before walking out. [Name] smirked “well if you won’t I’ll just force you” she whispered before running into there room.

Final Attempt…
While sasuke was out shopping [name] did the favor of taking all his “dirty” clothes out of his basket and making a small line of his clothes lending outside where his freshly brought black skinny jeans laid. She snickered looking at her work “no way this could fail sasuke cares about his clothes to much to leave them laying around” she laughed.

The sound of the door opening shut her up real fast running to the side of the house were a new bucket of ice water waited besides her, she stayed quiet waiting for the perfect reaction to her amazing plan. “What the- ugh [name] of course this would be her doing” he rolled his eyes sitting the bags down and began picking up his clothes “oi [name] whatever it is your planning it’s not going to work!” he yelled making sure wherever she is she could hear him.

As sasuke picked up his clothes he noticed a small partner the more he picked up the newer his clothes got until he reached his freshly brought black skinny jeans laying in the grass for anything or anyone to come by and just dirty it up. His eyebrow twitched and he snatched it up checking for any markings,dirt spots etc. As he was checking [name] came up behind him and…


Sasuke froze dropping his now wet pile of clothes onto the ground turning around slowly he saw [name] grinning at him an empty bucket in her hands. “Ha told you I can catch you off guard find a better weakness sasuke” she smirked walking away proudly turning off the camera. Sasuke made his hands into a fist mumbling a string of curse words under his breath “[N-A-M-E]!!!!” he roared with pure anger running towards his girlfriend.

[Name] dropped the camera running away from her very very pissed off lover, sasuke grabbed [name] in the end holding her tight in his grip. No matter how much she struggled he held her in place “sasuke i’m sorry i’m sorry let me go please~” she begged kicking her feet in the air. “Why should I do that i’m soaked thanks to you” he hissed.

“Sasuke please~your freezing cold I can’t take it” she squirmed under his tight grip the water droplets slipped into her shirt, her back was wet along with her waist, her hair was damped with the water falling off of sasuke’s hair and her legs were freezing. Sasuke smirked resting his chin in the crook of her neck “no [name] I think I just wanna cuddle with you told after all you're so warm~” he purred in her ear making her blush.

“Sasu-Sasuke no” she stuttered fighting the blush on her cheeks “ah I’m not good enough for my own [name] to cuddle with if she doesn’t want to” he spoke trying to sound hurt. [Name] turned around still in his arms looking into his onyx eyes she moved a piece of his wet hair from his face. “..Fine…” she mumbled under her breath looking down.

Sasuke and [Name] laid under a large fluffy blanket watching tv by the fireplace, [name]’s head rested on sasuke’s warm chest her hand resting over his heart, sasuke’s arm was wrapped around your waist watching the screen in front of him “sasuke” [name] whispered “hm” was his response “i’m sorry for throwing water on you...I just wanted you to-”  “[name]” he cut her off “I already told you it’s fine” he sighed muting the tv. “I know but I-I threw your clothes maybe that was too far of m-” her words were suddenly hushed with a warm pair of lips on her own.

Sasuke was kissing her, he lend in more placing his hand behind her back holding him up as his over hand rested on her cheek his fingers messing with the [hair color] locks that framed her face. [Name] was blushing hard by the time he pulled away from her “that’s a nice way to tell me to shut up” she whispered still blushing sasuke smirked going back to his previous position “I told you [name] it’s fine...just stay like this with me for a while” he whispered.

“Sasuke” she whispered before nodding her head smiling closing her eyes as she rested her head back on his chest hearing his calm heartbeat. Sasuke smiled back brushing [name]’s [hair color] [short or long] hair “just stay with me for another night…” he whispered before falling asleep his arm wrapped around [name]’s waist.

-Love Mayumi-chan

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