9. To Obey or Not

Start from the beginning

Wyatt: why?

Piper: I'm not putting my kids in a dangerous situation.

Chris: please Mom. We can-

Piper: I know you can but I don't want you getting hurt. Please stay here.

Leo: I agree.

The three kids looked down at the floor and nodded their heads up and down.

Piper: good. Come on.

I grabbed Paige's hand and Piper took Leo's. We orbed to the bridge.

Wyatt's POV

Wyatt: this is crazy. We can help and they want us to stay here.

Melinda: I know.

Chris: what do you say we orb there ourselves and help them out.

Wyatt: they told us not to. I may not be the most responsible person but I'm not going to go against Mom and Dad's wishes.

Chris rolled his eyes.

Chris: well aren't you a goody goody.

Wyatt: hey! We can't become irresponsible witches. There are times for fun and times to be serious. Chris, a woman was taken by some magical being, possibly with her life on the line, so will you please shut up and stop making everything into a game.

Chris looked taken aback. His eyes narrowed as he took a step toward me.

Chris: you don't get to dictate what I do and don't do. You are NOT my mother.

Wyatt: oh really? It doesn't seem like you're listening to your actual mother either.

Melinda looked between the both of us as Chris spoke again.

Chris: screw you, Wyatt.

Wyatt: do not talk to me like that! I'm your older brother, Chris. You're only 14.

Chris: yeah well, 14 is old enough to know when I'm being let down and stabbed in the back by the one person I thought would always be on my side.

Chris looked at Melinda and then me.

Wyatt: Chris-

Chris orbed away before I could finish. I sighed.

Melinda: what just happened?

I looked at her for a few seconds.

Wyatt: Melinda?

Melinda: yeah?

Wyatt: don't ever grow up.

Piper's POV

We orbed to a building near the end of the bridge.

Leo: of course. Why would it be anything other than a creepy, old shed.

Phoebe: that doesn't matter. We need to get in there, find the Alchemist, and save Rebecca.

Paige: what's the rush Phoebe? We need to think of a plan first; we can't just run into the lion's den underprepared.

Phoebe: fine. I just need to get home to finish my book.

Piper: Phoebe, this woman's life is on the line, please focus.

Phoebe: okay, you're right. Let's do this.

Leo: alright, I'm thinking first we should scope out what we're dealing with. Maybe the Alchemist isn't even in there. This could be an easy recuse.

Piper: and if he is in there?

Leo: then it's going to be a harder rescue.

I rolled my eyes.

Piper: thanks, big help.

We walked toward the building and looked in a broken window. There was a man standing over a table. On the other end of the small room was Rebecca tied to a chair. She appeared to be unconscious.

Leo: okay, based on Wyatt's story, Rebecca knows about the Alchemist and magic, but she's unconscious so there will be no risk exposing yourselves. However, the alchemist uses his victims' blood to create Life Essences. Hopefully, Rebecca's hasn't been taken yet.

Paige: what about the Life Essence that was in Jenna Raymond?

Leo: right, we'll have to find that one too and trap it in the Essence Bearer Melinda found or vanquish it.

Piper: alright, plan time. We'll enter; I'll freeze; we'll say the vanquishing spell; we'll get Rebecca back home, and then we'll live happily ever after, got it?

Phoebe and Paige nodded their heads.

Piper: alright let's go!

We were about to enter the house when I heard a voice yell from behind me.

Chris: Mom!

We all turned to look at him.

Piper: Chris!? What are you doing here? I said stay put!

Chris: I know but-

Piper: no buts. You have to listen to me, go home!

Leo: Chris, we don't know what kind of danger we're up against here. We have been doing this much longer than you have. Please, go home, we don't want you to get hurt.

Chris looked at us, then tilted his head to look behind us. We turned around.

Alchemist: well, well, well. What do we have here?


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