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version oneBased On A True Story

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version one
Based On A True Story.

She sits at her desk, hair tied down to her scalp in a series of braids to protect her through the night, glasses neatly resting on the very edge of her nose's bridge. Her focus is elite. Silence within her home is well kept, as she is one who prefers to be alone in the soft, quiet comfort of her home. The world is far too chaotic for the serenity she seeks to keep sealed within herself.

25 years ago was a year of change for the authors of the world. She was birthed in Newark, New Jersey... only to be whisked away to Sacramento, California when she was two months shy of a year old. Her parents knew that she was special. They kept her shielded as long as possible. They did not keep her shielded because she was not ready for the world. They kept her shielded because the world was not ready for her. They knew she had a fire in her that needed to be released eventually.

That is why they supported her dream of attending UCLA's film school.

Nails covered in a special polish of a burnt fuchsia color tap on the keys of her typewriter in a specific pattern as she allows her soul to seep into the ink of her device. With every word typed is a spark of motivation and a release of emotion. Her degree got her far enough, it is the talent that really carries her the rest of the way. A male dominated industry only makes the idea of perfecting her craft more interesting than before. The high of watching faces fall when they realize she is the screenwriter and not another assistant is absolutely addictive. Her addiction is fueled as she is completely focused. She can barely lift her hand from the keys to pop a piece of popcorn into her mouth.


She drops her popcorn. Her head right eyebrow rises as her neck tilts upward in a heap of curiosity. She slowly reaches out to the phone that resides on her nightstand. "Hello?" Adjusting it, she balances the phone in the crook of her neck.

"Hey, it's me."

She smiles, hearing the voice of a long time friend. "What's up, Archie."

"Your homeboy is up in here acting a whole ass fool. He's drunk as hell."

She shrugs at Archie's message. "I can't say I'm shocked. Tell me something new." Her attention is still focused on the way her fingertips glide across the typewriter's weighted keys. "You know he thinks that shit is cute. If it works for him, so the fuck what? As long he doesn't bring it around me, I'm good."

"Yeah, well, Brianna is up in here too. They're back to acting like nothing ever happened."

Eyes are rolled on the receiving end of the phone call. Brianna is one of her best friend's and DeVante's ex-girlfriend. The two dated on and off for years. Cleopatra always did her best to keep their drama at bay whenever both were in her presence. Brianna always put in more than he did. Recently, Brianna hasn't been answering her calls. It was fine. Cleopatra's always understood that she and Brianna have opposing schedules. Although, something about Brianna being back underneath DeVante irks her, especially all that the two have said about one another.

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