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10% credit to Lia

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10% credit to Lia.
What Would DeVanté Do was that game. #ThrowbackThursday

"And so, you take the quadratic formula..." Ms. Wraith scribbles on the whiteboard as her wrist moves with ease. I groan at the way it is all so simple to her. "Divide it by the natural log of the first equation and then..." She leans forward as the scribbling intensifies. I peer around the classroom with the weight of frustration perched on my shoulders like the demon it is. "There you go!" The answer rests in the hidden calligraphy being transcribed within the flow of her dry-erase marker.

Sighing, I sink down in my seat as I wait for the period to end. I look up just in time for Ms. Wraith to be dropping the sheets of homework on each and every desk. She always tried to make it fun. If you scanned the correct answers into some app on your phone you got free things... a Starbucks drink here, a bag of Doritos there, a small pizza from Domino's there. I always did question what the hell a small Domino's pizza was supposed to do for someone, but I guess it was really the thought that counted. I did something right and I got something I like in return. Well, never I... I'm no good at any of us this.

Math is not my thing, not even in the slightest sense. I thought I had it good until pre-algebra. That was around the time they lost me in the abyss of stupidity. I cannot seem to understand what could possibly possess anyone to think letters are necessary in any mathematical equation. Then, you've got a million and one equation formulas that you want me to memorize. We are taught our entire lives that infinity is above all, zero is the lowest number, and all numbers are numbers. So, where does negative infinity and real numbers come into play? Why don't tell me any of this in the sixth grade to at least prepare me for it all?

I take a second to scan over the homework. "Uh, Ms. Wraith, when we going over this... in class tomorrow?"

"No," she dismissively says.

My eyebrows, having minds of their own, take it upon themselves to create another unique line as I lean back in my seat. I scan over my classmates and see everybody completely unbothered. Suddenly, I realize that it is only me. Ms. Wraith sits down in her seat and I get up directly behind her to follow up at her desk. Leaning my right hand on the edge of her desk, all of my weight falls on my right foot as I lean closer to her.

I ask, "Well, are you doing tutoring today?"

"Nope," she says.

Sighing, I feel my shoulders drops forward with my head. I pick it back up and ask my expected follow up question. "Why not?"

"I have to take my husband to the eye doctor. I told you guys that on Monday."

And just like that, I realize I can't even be mad at her because she did say that. Her husband is the assistant coach for Junior Varsity football. He recently had emergency laser eye surgery. For each and every one of the appointments she has to take him to, tutoring has been cancelled. I guess you can say that was cute for her, but what about me? Fuck her husband's blind ass... I don't mean that. I'm only a little frustrated because I'm sitting on a 60% and the moment she puts in this homework? I'm done for. When I tell you my mama is going to wring my neck...

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