Chapter 31

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"Y/n! Get up!" I heard someone yell as they were shaking me. "Jake..?" I said not even aware of what I was saying. "No! Colby." He said and I sat up. "It's visiting day" Colby smiled. I shot up and ran to my closet. I haven't seen Jake in like 2 weeks I'm so excited."tomorrow" Colby said. "Huh?" I asked. "Omg you're so stupid" I said and sat on my bed. "I'm just kidding it is today" Colby smiled. "When?" I asked.

"Couple hours" he said. I nodded my head and he left. I did my morning routine and then went down to the living room. "You excited??" Corey smiled. I nodded my head and went to the fridge. "Who. Ate. My. Cinnamon. Roll!" I yelled. I looked around the room to see if anyone looked suspicious. Arron darted his head away from me. I walked over to him and kneeled down infront of him. "Aaron." I said sweetly. "Mhm?" He said still not looking at me. "Look at me" I said and he slowly turned his head to me. "Why'd you do it Arron" I shook my head. "I WAS HUNGRY" he yelled. I sighed "I'm so disappointed in you" I said trying not to laugh. "Y/n!!! What's that!?" Aaron screamed. "Huh?" I said and he pointed next to him. I looked over to see him flipping me off. "NO YOU" I yelled. He looked at me all offended like.

I sat down next to Colby and he looked over at me. "What" I said. "Nuchin" He said. "You can't just-" I got cut off by Corey casually yelling. He stopped for a minute "you done?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Why did I move here of all places" I face palmed. Corey shrugged. "WELL, as I was saying you can't just look at me like you got something to say then deny it" I said. "I don't know. I was just thinking if Jake stays in um- the... place how will you guys get married?" He asked. "Simple, we don't. I don't like Jake like that" I said.

"Stop lying, you lie you go to hell" he said, "what the fu-" I started but Colby shushed me by putting his finger close to my lips "shh you cuss, you go to hell" he said. I glared at him and got up. "When can we go see Jake?" I asked. "We can go now" Corey said. "YEET" I yelled and ran to Corey's car. I got in the passenger seat and everyone else got in the back. When Corey started driving I said "I'm so excited to be seeing Jake I've been stuck with you dweebs this whole time" "y/n you can either fight me, or you can get out of my car." Corey said. "I would but we're on the highway" I shrugged.

The closer we got the more butterflies I got in my stomach. I tapped my foot impatiently on the bottom of the car. We pulled into the parking lot of this gloomy looking place. My heart dropped for a minute and I felt so bad.. this place is so depressing I can't believe they are making Jake be in a place like this, maybe he made some good friends though. We walked in and I stood real close to Corey cause all these people were just staring at us and the patients are giving me the creeps.

"Hello? Are you visiting someone?" The front office lady said. "Uh Yes" Colby said. The office girl motioned for us to keep talking and she seemed so irritated. "Sorry! Jake Webber" I cleared my throat "name and relation" she said. "Y/n l/n um Girlfriend" I said cause I'm not sure she'd let us visit if I was just a friend so just being on the safe side. "Cory, I'm y/n's brother." Corey said. The girl looked at Colby and Aaron "uh we're just his friend" Colby said. "You two, go to the end of that hall the worker will show you" She said motioning to Corey and I.

I looked back at Colby and Aaron and Colby rolled his eyes and I gave him a sympathetic look. "Thank you," I said to the girl and walked down the hallway with Corey. I looked at the walls and flooring, the walls had pictures of I'm assuming staff and the floor was just disgusting, it was white but had dust, hair, cracked and chips all over it. "This place is disgusting" I whispered to Corey and he nodded his head. "Can I help you?" The sound of a man behind us made me jump. We turned around and I hoped he didn't hear what I said. "Um, were looking to visit Jake, Jake Webber?" I said awkwardly. "Right, come along" he said and we walked all the way back. What was the point of going down this hallway if he isn't down here.

The guy took us to a living room area and that's when I saw Jake and everything inside of me lit up, that was until I saw him with a girl. I brushed it off cause it could be a worker or something. He turned around and noticed me. The biggest smile appeared on his face and he sped walk to me. I gave him a big hug then Corey did. "I missed you" I sighed. "I missed you too" He said. Corey glared at Jake "and you too corey" Jake nervously smiled. Two security started walking over towards us and I got nervous. The security guards stopped and stood against a wall on either sides of us. I looked at Jake wondering what was happening.

"It's a thing they have to do, for safety reasons" he shrugged. "So how is it here?" Corey asked. Jake shrugged then sighed. "Overall it's okay, but some of the people in here are pretty terrifying" he said and I nodded my head. "Just the looks coming from everyone gave me chills" I said. "Same" Corey said but he probably just didn't wanna be let out of the conversation.

We all talked for a good hour until one of the security said it was time to leave. Jake and I kissed and said our goodbyes.

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