Chapter 18

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"I Hey everyone it's Sam and Colby and the roommates" sam said to the camera. "So this is kinda a weird video but we are finally revealing all of our girlfriends." Colby sighed.

"Besides Colby" Sam chuckled. "Shut up Sam" he glared. I didn't know what we were doing for this video and I'm hoping the others didn't come here. "Who's first?" Aaron asked. "I think Sam" Jake said. "Umm meet y/n! You've totally never seen her on the Chanel before." He said sarcastically. "Yeah y'all thought she was gonna get with Jake but nope she's all mine" sam said and hugged me from the side. "Jake?" Colby said. Tara came into the room and sat next to Jake. "Hey guys" she smiled. "This is Tara, my girlfriend and the thing that I love most about her is that she knows every episode of spongebob" he laughed.

I'm not even sure what this weird ass video was but I'm not judging. Eventually Corey's girlfriend came in.. she looked at me for a minute but went and sat by Corey. "I'm Devyn Corey's girlfriend" she giggled. She acts so fake, Aaron and Colby were left with no one coming into the room for them and it was kinda sad.

Colby explained that, us couples were going to compete against each other and Colby and Aaron were the judges. The first challenge was questions about the other.
When it was Sam and I's turn he had a blind fold on and Colby asked him a question about me. "What color are her eyes?" He asked. I wrote down what it is on a whiteboard and showed them. "Blue" He said. "Good job!" I said. "Where was she born?" Aaron asked. I wrote down phillipenes on my board and that's what he said. "How many subsribers does she have?" Colby asked. "Uhh" Sam said.

"How am I supposed to know that??" Sam said "200k?" He said more in a question. "No.." I said softly. "100k!" Colby said like a talk show host.

When that game was finished it was time for results on who won, it was by whichever guy knew the girl the best. Sam and I got two wrong but it's okay.

"Okay first is Corey and Devyn! Second, Sam and Y/n and last Jake and Tara" he said talking into an invisible mic. "At least we aren't last" I smiled at Sam and he nodded.

The whole day consisted of us doing challenges and at the end Sam and I were in last while Jake and Tara were first.

"Who's turn is it to edit?" Aaron asked. "I think it's mine" I sighed. I took the camera into my room and waited for it to transfer to my computer. Once it FINALLY did I started editing, I was really focused so of course someone had to ruin it. My door was open so they just knocked and came in. "Hey y/n" Devyn giggled. "What do you want." I turned towards her.

"Well you never congratulated Corey and I" She smiled but it looked so evil like. "Congratulate on what?" I asked. "Our engagement!" She put on her hand and I saw a ring. "WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled. Sam and Corey ran into my room. "What, What?!" They said. Corey looked at Dyven and her holding her hand up and he went wide eyed. "ARE YOU SERIOUS." I yelled. He started to back out of my room slowly but Sam grabbed his shirt and pulled him back in. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry! But it's my life, my choice who I get to marry" he shrugged. I cringed at the word 'marry' "I have to be related to her?!" I whined. Corey slowly nodded his head. "Get the hell out of my room!" I yelled at Devyn. "I'd kick you guys out but it's your house." I hugged. "What why me?" Sam asked. "I'm editing man." I shrugged.

They eventually left and I tried to get back into editing but I was too pissed off. I called my best friend Elton and told him to meet me at Starbucks. I ordered an Uber and once it got here they were asking where I was going. I ignored them and walked out not forgetting to slam the door of course. I got in the Uber and he asked if he had the address right. I confirmed it and he drove away from the house.

He pulled into Starbucks and I got out. "Thank you" I smiled and walked away. I went in and Elton wasn't there yet so I ordered my drink.

I sat down at a table and after about a minute or two Elton walked in. He went and got something and walked to my table. "Hey" I smiled. "What's up?" He asked. "I just wanted out of the house, I was trying to edit when Devyn decided to come in and tell me her and my brother are getting married" I groaned. "Seriously?! He didn't tell me?" He said shocked. "I guess" I sighed.

"I hate that girl" I rolled my eyes. "Why?" He asked. "Just some things from when we were younger." I said. The girl from the counter called him up and he got his stuff. He came and sat down. "Why was she there?" He asked "we were making a video introducing who everyone was dating because.. I'm kinda dating Sam and we didn't know how to tell people" I mumbled. "You're dating Sam?!" He asked "I'm so out of the loop with this stuff!" He sighed. "Yeah" I laughed. We hung out there for about an hour and then we decided that I should go to his house.

We got there and I slid my shoes off at the door. My phone started ringing and I answered it. "Hey" Corey said. "Hi" I said "what's up?@ I asked. "Devyn is spending the night could she use your room?" He asked. "Why doesn't she sleep in your room" I asked. "Because, She said she won't sleep in my room until marriage when we..." he trailed off. I pretend gagged and said "fine" I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. "Who was that?" Elton asked. "Corey, He asked if Devyn could sleep in my room." I shrugged. "So where are you going to sleep?" He asked.

I shrugged, "probably the living room" I said. "You can stay here if you want." He said. "Okay" I smiled.

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