Fake Smiles: Jane x Nina (part 2)

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The world's longest A/N: It's been SO LONG since I uploaded, and I kinda thought "ah I'm just falling out of the fandom." N O P E, I'm still here and I'm still queer! Anyways, I still get comments and reads and votes on this book which kinda surprises me because I wrote most of these when I was like 11 and I didn't realize that tHat many people shipped girl x girl shit in this fandom.
So my writing style has changed a little, but it's still bad so eh xD Oki, enough of this long a/n, my old Jane x Nina fic has gotten a LOT of votes and comments and "gimmie a part two" comments sO (after tWO YEARS) here's a lil part two.

Nina giggled a little as she fixed her hair up in her high ponytail as usual. Ever since "asking" Jane out the day before, she had been stuck in a daydream, picturing the two of them together. The thought of being alone with Jane, and maybe even dating her, made her feel pure comfort; though it also scared her. What if Jane had just agreed to go out with her out of pity? What if Jane ended up not liking her if she opened up more?
'Damn, this whole 'inner demons' thing is hard,' She thought, fastening her bow on top of her ponytail and skipping out of her room for her date.

After hearing several rounds of excited knocks at the door, Jane opened the door to find an excited Nina waiting on the other side.
"Hey, Jane! Are you ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," Jane replied, closing the door and stepping out. She was wearing her usual black dress with a jacket and boots. It was nothing special, and Nina had no reason to stare awestruck at her date; but that didn't stop her. She snapped out of it and dorkily escorted Jane to the door and outside, which Jane found amusing.
'So far so good.' Nina thought, finally feeling more confident.
"So, where are you taking me anyways?"
Nina's confidence flew out the window. Somehow, despite all her daydreaming and obsessing over their date, the ditsy girl hadn't planned out where to take her.
'I am such a bottom.' Nina hesitated before speaking. "I-It's a surprise!"
Jane cocked an eyebrow, but didn't catch Nina's lie. "Really?"
"Y-Yep! That's me, spontaneous as can be!" She stuttered a little, trying to think of somewhere, anywhere, she could make this date work. "I think we just make a left here, then a right at that tree-"

        And that's what started a half an hour or Nina calling out random directions to walk in.

        Frankly, Jane had Nina's lies figured out within the first ten minutes, but gave her the benefit of the doubt. At the 30 something minute mark, Jane stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
        "Nina, honey, do you have any clue where the hell we're going?"
        "I-I.. I- um," she swallowed and looked down before letting out a deep, shaky breath. "I don't know.. I was too busy worrying over what would happen if you didn't like me that I didn't even think of where to take you." Nina huffed and kicked a stone. "I'm such a damn idiot!"
        Jane still hadn't gotten used to this side of her, and it broke her heart. She cupped Nina's pale cheek softly. "Nina, honey, you're not an idiot."
The nickname alone made Nina's heart flutter. "I'm.. not? B-But, how? I've completely ruined our date!"
Jane gently pulled Nina's chin up to look at her, running a hand through her hair. "Sit down with me."
The teen almost opened her mouth to protest, but stopped herself short. Instead, she sat down on the cool grass next to Jane. Jane was nervous herself, but pushed that aside, slowly grabbing Nina's hand and laying back on the soft Earth. Nina did the same, laying close to her.
"Look at all the pretty stars." The older girl smiled, rubbing her date's hand with her thumb. Nina's face heated up, but a few giggles escaped her lips.
"They are pretty aren't they?" Her Glasgow smile seemed to widen. "Almost as pretty as you!"
And with that cheesy statement, Nina rolled over and cuddled into Jane's arm. They must've stayed there forever, talking and basking in each other's company. There was no one else in the world, for the time being. It was just them. Together. And soon enough, they both grew quiet and tired and simply laid in each other's embrace.
"I loved this," Nina smiled, her eyelids (does she have eyelids???) beginning to grow heavier.
        "Yeah.. so did I."
        "So, um.." Nina propped herself up on her arm. "Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend now?"
        "I'd love to!" Jane's smile was contagious, and she pulled Nina in for a kiss. She never thought she would become so close to the teen, and Nina never thought in a million years that she'd have a chance with Jane.
        They were finally together, and whether unintentionally or at long last, as long as they were happy together, they intended to keep it that way.

A/N: mORE lesbian mush for y'all that liked my last one. This should satisfy the peeps who wanted a sequel, I hope uwu

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