Jane x Mary {MaryJane}

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A/N: Well, aren't I a shit content creator? I mean I produce shit content AND I'm shit at producing it! ITS BEEN LIKE TWO MONTHS. Oh well no ones reading this anyways. SO, why is there not more of this ship? It's actually cute, I mean come on. This is and will be the only cannon thing I actually ship

(this happens a day or two after Jane comes back home after her little encounter with liquid hate...)


Jane ran her fingers over her face, marveling at it in the mirror once again. She still couldn't believe that this is what had become of her. Her blond hair, now a raven black color, her once beautiful blue eyes now black as night itself, her skin, pale as a ghost. She looked like a... monster. And what was the rest of the world to think of her? It seemed as if all she had now were her little sister and girlfriend, who had been taking the change quite well, actually.

When Jane first came home from that messed up lab, she had expected Mary and Jessie to take things; terribly, to be honest. What if they didn't recognize her? What if they thought she was ugly? What if they didn't love her anymore? Fortunately, they were so happy that she was back home that they didn't seem to care about her changes. Of course, this didn't stop them from asking questions, and Jane explained everything to them.

Since then, she hadn't left the house. With every passing moment, she was just becoming more self conscious about her body. She didn't want anyone to look at her; not even Mary.

'She'll probably be the first to leave,' Jane thought, starting to breath heavier. 'She'll probably just sneak out in the middle of the night while I'm asleep. She could never love a monster like me! She could never-'

Jane's thoughts were interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her into a soft female body a few inches shorter than her. She felt a chin on her shoulder. "What's wrong, baby?"

Jane looked down at the other woman beside her. Mary was just looking up at Jane with those wide, beautiful blue eyes of hers. They were so innocent and childlike almost, and Jane could easily find herself getting lost in them from time to time. Though, instead, this time Jane just sighed and stared at her through the mirror.

"Mary... I-I look like a monster," Jane whispered bluntly.

Mary tilted her head, as if in confusion. "What are you talking about, honey bunny?"

Jane bit her lip. There was no point in trying to be vague with Mary, not now, not now that she looked like the monster she was beginning to become... "Just look at me!" Jane said. "I'm so- I'm so- so ugly! I look like a freak! How will I ever go outside this house again?!"

"Okay, baby, calm down, it's gonna o-"

Jane cut her off. "How am I gonna make money to support you and Jessie?! You might as well leave me now while you have the chance... You're way too good for me anyways..."

It was getting harder and harder for Jane to breath, and that's when she realized she was crying. She then felt a warm on her cheek, and  she opened her black eyes to see Mary looking up at her with a soft, sorrow filled expression.

"Janie... babe I never planned on leaving you.."

Jane sniffled. "R-Really..?"

Mary shook her head. "Not even for a second." She gently kissed Jane's cheek. "You're my everything, my world, you're mine. I'd be so stupid to even think of walking away from you... Do you know that?"

The other girl simply nodded and hugged Mary tightly, and Mary hugged her back.

"I love you.. so much.." Jane whispered, kissing Mary's ear and hugging her tighter. Mary smiled and giggled quietly.

"I love you too. And I think you're still so beautiful."

Jane giggled and pecked Mary on the lips. "How did I ever get so lucky to find such a sweet girl like you?"

Mary just gave her a cute little shrug and Jane laughed. They spent the rest of their day watching TV and snuggling in bed.

'Maybe this new look wont be so bad after all..'

A/N: Meh, I'll upload more possibly maybe whatever HAVE A MIGHTY GAY DAY

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