White Hat?!? Black Hat?!?

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(Author POV)

"Good morning 505. Morin' Demencea" Y/n Yawned. She just tolled her eyes at Flug. Again.

"Y/n. Talk. Now." Flug gritted his teeth.

"OK fine. There I talked now I'm going to clean up the house with 505. C'mon 505 I don't want to be in his sight." Y/n walked out with 505 while Flug put his hands to his goggles.

"Still at it?" Demencea asked 505 he nodded as she watches y/n run across the floor with a broom. "I have a feeling they're not going to stop for a while."

"I cant get any work done when they bicker" Black hat teleported down to where they were. "Y/N!" She stopped running across the floor with the broom and stood in front of him

"Yes sir? What do you require."

"Youre relived of duty for today."

"Yes sir." She walked up the stairs to her room. She fell on her bed and fell asleep. She woke up in a bright room with a (f/c) stripe. "The fuc?" She got up and looked in the mirror you looked exactly the same. Dark colored fabric covering your body. Y/n exited her room seeing every thing was white instead of black. "Did I teleport in my sleep? Because this isn't my ho-"  she started to whisper before being knocked over

(??? POV)

Oh (a/n(AU name)) is up! When she get such dark clothing? Must have been Slug. I run up to hug her. "W-WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF OF ME ASSHOLE!" She pushed against me she fell on her butt and got up. "the hell 50- what the fuck you aren't 505 or Demencea. Am I dreaming because you never looked like that Sir."

"(A/n)? Are you feeling alright? Who's 505 and Demencea? Plus you dont have to call your papa that!"

"WHAT?!?! Lord black hat are pranking me right now if so its not fucking funny." who was lord black hat.

Meanwhile in your universe

"Why is everything so dark? 606? Dr. Slug? papa?" a girl who looked exactly like y/n walked around unknowing a certain Bear was following her. He snuck up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. "GAH! oh its just you... 6..0..6? What happened to you you seem more friendly..."

Back to you.

(Y/n pov)

This has got to be a prank or dream right? I got to test it. I opened my mouth and bit my arm "AGH FUCKING HELL at least its not a dream..."

"I HAVE TO GET YOU TO THE DOCTOR! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!" The man who looked like Black hat yelled.

"THIS ISNT REAL! I dont know who the FUCK in the devils name are you! And stop calling me (A/n)! My name is (C/n)!" I yelled back at him. He set me on a table as my greenish blood spilled out of the marks I made on my arm. When a man with a atom shirt and black lab coat scooted up to me. "WHO THE FACK ARE YOU I DONT FUCKING TRUST YOU!"

"Whoa (did my syrum work she finally like me?) Calm down. How are you feeling."

"Pain. I feel pain asshole. Now who are you and that... White hat dude? where am I and where's 505 and Demencea?"

"Ah well I guess that the SIDE effects of the syrum. if you can recall I'm Slug. There's no 505 or Demencea just 606 and Clemicea. give me your arm A/n" he said "And white hat is... White hat" he got some bandages and wrapped them around my arm.

"I'm not A/n. Im called C/n. And why am I here? Lord Black hat will notice me gone. (And I'll be punished for a while...) I don't know who the hell A/n is."

Back at black hat mansion

"COME HERE 606!" A/n giggled as she hugged the bear. He just hugged back awkwardly. "Now I have to find Mr.Slug bye 606!" She skipped off to the lab. "Dr? You wanted to see me?" She walked though the lab. "Did you change for the better doctor? Father will be proud!" She said as she looked at all the inventions. Dr. Flug came around the corner and bumped into her.

"Y/N! Be careful and watch where you're going!" He said putting some of his chemicals down

"I'm sorry sir! But have you seen Mr. Slug or papa?" She asked getting up and wiping off her dress.

"You're not Y/n (she would have yelled...) Who are you and why are you here?"

"My names (A/n)! And im looking for Father or Dr. Slug. Have you seen them. Speaking of which why are the walls darker and 606 more blue and friendly?"

"What what's your dad's name?"

"White Hat. Why Mr? Oh if forgot to ask for your name how rude of me."

"I'm Flug and you're not from this house. I'll have to ask permission to leave..."

"But how did I get here then? Oh the syrum! That must be it! Ill show you the way to my house!"

Little experiment (villainousXChild reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora