Who am I?!?!

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(Dr.Flug pov)

I opened my secret lab and saw my little experiment in the tube she's been in there for a while... Is she dead? "Are you alive?" I asked it. Its eyes scrunched up then went back to normal. I smiled knowing I created another living being. I hope that Lord black hat will forgive for useing some of his DNA. She had to be at least 6 by now.

-A few months later-


"No!" She responded. "WHAT DOES THIS DO!?!" She pressed a button that opened my secret lab.

(Y/n pov)

DEMENCEA! W-WAIT" a voice rang it was familiar, wait its the man who talks to me! who's demecea?

"why? You scared of me breaking this tube?!?!" a another voice rang.I heard a crash and felt something touch my skin."what the hell?"

"oh no DEMENCEA YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE!" He said. I opened my eyes to a man with a bag on his head and a woman with a t-rex head thing and red/ green hair her eyes were weird. I got up and went to the closest thing that was father from them.

"WHO ARE YOU?!?! WHO AM I?!?!" I asked.

"Calm down, my name is Dr. Flug, this is Demencea." the bag said. "I dont have a name for you ye-"

"FLUG!! COME HERE!" A voice shouted.

"Stay here. Demencea don't tell Black hat yet." I nodded and sat back in my tube.I felt the glass for the first time.I saw my reflection I had gray skin a (E/c) the other completely black. is this how everyone looks like? I thought.

"WAIT WHAT?!?! WHERE IS THE LITTLE WRECH?!??" The voice from before shouted. i hid behind the tube's base. A man with a skin clor similar to mine brurst through the door. "Demencea where you lying again?" He asked. She shook her head while Flug tried to convince him that he only thought he'd hear her say it. With out warning a blue bear thing hugged me from be hind

"GET OFF ME IDIOT IM... Hide...Ing.. Aw crap" I said looking at the man

"505 hand her to me" he said harshly. The bear looked at me and gave me to  him. "Flug where did you find this child? You arent intimated by me at all."

"Why should I? You havent done anything scary yet I mean I just woke up today too..."

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't know how old am I?" I asked Dr. Flug. He tensed up even more which I didnt even think was possible.

"Y-You're about 6-7 years old"

"EXUSE ME?!?!" The man shouted his teeth getting bigger and his monical disappearing to a nonexistent eye. Flug yelled in surprise. I laughed at his misery. The man turned his attention to me. Was I In trouble? I have a feeling that's is what I do best.

(??? POV {you probably already know who it is})

This girl was LAUGHING at ME?!?! the GREAT Black Hat?!!! She stopped when I looked at her, not a drop of fear in her eyes. "Whats your name?"

"Dont have one yet." She said struggling her shoulders. I rolled my eyes

"Well how about Y/n?" I asked. "You'll also need a code name just in case" her eyes lit up in excitement

"I LOVE IT!!! wait who are you?"

"Black Hat dear." I told her walking out "505 prepare a room for her she's staying since Dr. Flug made her."

Little experiment (villainousXChild reader)Where stories live. Discover now