Gone Pt. 3

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How long has it been? Was the first thing that came to Glory's mind as she woke up. She opened her eyes and was surprised to find daylight in the room. She turned her head to find a window in the cell, or at least something close to it.
      It was more like a bunch of little holes in the wall. Glory sighed quietly and got up to find no chains in her body and just a metal slab that she guessed served as a "bed"
       She slowly paced and looked at the bars, expecting to see something past them and was a little surprised to look at just....black.
   After what it seemed like forever a familiar voice spoke up, that send chills down her spine.
       "Long time no see Rainwing." Said a deep male voice. Glory took a step back and growled, "Show yourself Coward!"
This mystery dragon simply chuckled and stepped forward.
Glory gasped and backed up all the way into the wall, shook. After regaining her composer she turned a flaming hot, angry red and snarled, "Morrowseer!"

It had been a full 4 days since Glory disappeared, and Deathbringer was going insane. He had send over 15 search parties, led some himself and even swept the rainforest by himself. He had turned every leaf, flipped every rock. He had just completely CLEANED the forest and this was just day 1.
  Her great Aunt Grandeur, was running the rainforest while she was gone.
The next day the assassin went as far and to search 190 miles past the borders including the borders themselves, he searched the neighboring ones from the mud,sand, and even the volcano island. Still nothing.
He send letters to all of the queens, telling them that Queen glory went missing and if they could send search parties to search in there kingdoms. Of course it was risky to say "Hey my queen went MIA" but Glory had no beef with any of them and the one with Glacier, now formally Queen Snowfall, had been resolved.
It saved him the trouble of going for days and being able to find her quicker. "Oh Glory...." He pleaded. "Where are you my queen." Deathbringer's voice started getting shaky. "You have no idea what this is doing to me."
        Glory sat in the middle of her cell, no emotion was shown in her face. Her scales were midnight black, her claws digging into the stone floor and they started to bleed. Her wings were wrappped around her frame and her ears were almost clamped shut.
          The two tribe queen no longer wanted to listen to Morrowseer. For the past 4 hours he's told her things.....things she'd never thought Deathbringer  would do,say or about to do.
   "He doesn't like you rainwing! He's agreed to gain your trust and kill you. As proof he will come here and take your heart." Sneered Morrowseer.
       Glory lifted her head and her emerald green eyes met his. In a calm voice, full of venom she asked, "What Heart?" Just like that she sprayed a pint of venom on his chest that quickly spread like dragon bite Viper venom would. The older nightwing screamed in pain as the poison cut through his scales and burned his raw flesh. He breathed fire on Glory, burning her right side of her face.
         Surprisingly she didn't react and gave a wince before he took off running, leaving her heartbroken and burned.
She fell on the metal bed and just let silent tears fall as she listened to Morrowseer's curses and screams of agony. Screw you Deathbringer. I have a rainforest to live for and friends too. I don't need or want your love. If you want to kill me so be it, the feelings are mutual. She thought bitterly, but....deep down......she wanted the opposite....
      Two weeks my butt. That is what Thorn said. What Ruby said-hell what Glacier said. TWO WEEKS IS THE AMOUNT OF TIME SHE SHOULD BE GONE. It has been a whole 7 weeks of hell. Over a month.
     Deathbringer was done, he was done with lies and broken promises and just- EVERYTHING!
   Im done with everything!
He could now count how many damn nights he spent crying, praying, running, ANYTHING you could think of he did to last a lifetime. No. Glory was gone. He no longer wished to see her alive and walking to him. At this point he was willing to hand anything over just to have her back, dead or alive but....preferably alive.
       He once again hooked his pouch of weapons to his neck and ran out except this time, he wasn't coming back. Oh no no no, he was leaving for good. He would fly as much as he had to, to the sand kingdom. He was going to clean Phyrria INSIDE. OUT.
    This was the deal. He made a promise to protect Glory. He broke it. This was not some cheesy thing to say to her just to get her to fall head over talons for him. Glory was his only sanity, what kept him from tying that rope.
     If she was not alive then there was no reason to be alive, that rainwing was the only thing keeping him together. Once he cleaned Phyrria from the inside out. If she turned up alive then he would plan from there......if she didn't......he would bury her body in rainforest soil, with all the things she liked. Hold the funeral and go back to that rope he mentioned in his head 1 year ago.......

       Stay safe please, stay happy and healthy, stay awesome possums. I love you so much my lovelies 💜💜💜

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