Hide and Seek PART 1

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       "I SO don't need a bodyguard for this." Said  Glory. "Of course you do! Who else is gonna watch over you and protect you?" Asked The smug bodyguard.
        "Deathbringer, I'm sleeping! What could go wrong? And by the way, doesn't the very small brain of yours acknowledge that your watching me sleep?!" Protested the Queen. "I have which is more the reason I'm coming with you." He Said with a toothy grin. Glory only scowled and took off flying as fast as she could to her suntime platform. The trained assasin quickly followed and arrived at the platform a minute later after Glory. "Don't take off like that, what would you have done if a dragon attacked you and I wasn't there to keep you safe?" Said Deathbringer. "Uhh, defend myself DUH! I can take care of myself, I really don't need a bodyguard and certainly not when I'm sleeping." Glory replied. "Says the dragon who got herself locked up in a volcano cell." Muttered Deathbringer.
       Glory whacked him in head, she laid down on the platform spreading her wings and curling her tail around her back talons. She was about to doze off when she came up with an idea.

        "Prove it." Said Glory suddenly. He looked at her with confusion, cocking his head to the side. "Prove what my queen?" Glory smirked and replied slowly, "That I need a bodyguard, let's make a deal." Deathbringer, now interested and quite curious, got up and took a few steps towards her. He raised a brow, "What deal?" Glory turned and sat on the edge of the platform. "I'll hide and you need to find me, if you do- which you won't....." Deathbringer chuckled. Sure you keep telling yourself that Glory.....you'll see. "We'll need to wrestle, if I'm  able to pin you down for more than 10 seconds without you escaping, I win and I won't need to have you watch me sleep anymore, or follow me around. If you win, you'll stay as my bodyguard and I can't complain for a whole month, you need to find me by sunset or I'll win too." She Said. Glory Talked with confidence as if she knew he was going to lose. "Fine, I'll close my eyes." He did as he said, he closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles, patiently waiting to hear her fly away.
Glory spread her wings, jumped off the platform, and flew like there was no tomorrow. She decided to head north, near the night village. She very quickly dove through the trees, this time surprisingly not getting stuck on vines. She went west for a few minutes, being as quiet as possible, but it was nearly impossible with her flying at level 340 and twisted and turning with so many things to run into. She went east and almost immediately caught her wing on a tree, causing it to make a loud CRACK! Damn it! This is gonna get me caught!! She thought angrily. She yanked her wing away and held back a yelp, she landed on the ground swiftly with a soft, quiet thud. Glory turned her scaled to her scales to her surroundings and stalked her way to a hiding spot.
She spotted a small burrow, hole thing on the side of a green hill that went up, and connected to the trees. A few meters from there was the entrance to the volcano. Glory quickly peeked her head in and squinted in its darkness, cautiously she stepped in, Incase something lived there and found it empty. She really had to squeeze in there. After it seemed like she was about to die from how hard it's brown, hard walls were her closing in on her, there was a wide space that opened up. Whoever made thing burrow, must have made the entrance big enough for it, but impossible for predators to come in, and then the main home big enough for a dragon to squeeze in.
The roof of it was short and she couldn't fully turn her head up, it only went at about 60 degrees. Her emerald green eyes went up, and there she saw a small hole that was exactly build as the entrance one but started out a bit more narrower. Im positive Deathbringer won't find me here but if he does, and somehow gets in.... which he won't I mean he's 13 and I'm only 7 and I barley could fit my shoulder in here and he's taller and bigger than me. I don't think I could get out to escape him, that hole is like the size of a scavenger ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Glory thought. She tried to fit in as best as she could and turned her scales to the same dark, chocolate brown with specks if green and gray to resemble the bits of grass and rock sticking in and stayed still, she didn't keep her eyes much open, only about midway. She crouched down and tried to stay still. Either hoping that he would find her so that she could get out of there as soon as possible or hoping that sunset was right around the corner so she could rub it in his face and be able to leave ASAP.
Deathbringer opened his eyes. He gave the area a quick scan out of instinct, as he counted in his head to ten he heard glory's wings give big flaps before they turned almost completely silent; but a previous assasin like Deathbringer, heard it like someone hitting a pot with a stick. He hadn't heard her wings to his left or right ear so he knew she went straight north, and that's exactly where he went.
After a few moments of flying north, that's when he smelled it. A very feminine scent with a tinge Of morning glory flowers. It was by far the best smell in the world, in his opinion. But he had to agree it could be intoxicating sometimes;very alluring. He had smelled it ever since she showed up in ice-Blue scales with emerald green eyes. It was the smell that insured him and reminded him why he fought, why he lived. He smelled it everyday, and would keep smelling it for the rest of his life.
     Unconsciously, he flew towards it it got stronger every moment he followed it. Deathbringer knew she was near, he shook his head, attempting to pull his head out of the clouds and hid in the shadows, his eyes scanned everything in front of him. He stalked along a hill where the volcano tunnel was located. The green hill went up, connecting to the trees. A few meters from there he spotted a burrow. He didn't think Glory would be in the hole since it looked pretty small, WAY too small He thought. But when he approached it to get a closer look, keeping his body away from the entrance view; he saw the burrow entrance hole was a little messed up. They were very faint but very narrow small lines were on the dirt, they continued in the side repeatedly. As if someone was struggling to go in. He remarked.
      After Deathbringer saw these things, it was now a very possible option that Glory might have gone inside; thinking that he wouldn't  follow her inside, since he would be way too big to fit. But what she didn't know, or didn't think through, is that he knew one of her fears. Glory absolutely hated tree frogs. She always cringed or squirmed when one of those jumped on her scales and would never get off. They were slimy,wet,moist and damp 24/7. He could understand why she hated them. If he could get one of those frogs, it would be game over for her.
Glory was about to scream from the amount of time she was in there. She knew it must have been a few minutes but to her, it felt like forever. She moved her back legs and tensed  them as a way of sort of stretching them. A few more moments passed when she moved a bit closer to the entrance that all of a sudden, 3 tree frogs were thrown in. She shrieked and moved all over the hole, causing dirt to collapse and fall around them. Her scales turned from her surroundings to a mix of green, red,orange and orange-yellow.
     So much dirt had fallen of them that Glory had no choice but try to climb out. She clawed at the smaller hole behind her to try and squeeze through,when she felt something grab her tail. She knew it couldn't be none other than Deathbringer. Damn you smug assasin....
Imma cut this one here and make a part 2 or else this is gonna reach 3000 words. Besides I wanna give my audiences one thing to read imma start working on a part 2 and hopefully have it out in a few hours. If not then tommorow. Stay awesome possums 💜💜💜

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