Sworn Oath

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Guilt. Sadness. Hollow. Anger. That was all he felt. He was standing in the middle of the green jungle, he sat by a big, thick lemon tree. He was laid on the ground, like lions resting after a hunt. His wings were secured around him, his tail around his back talons and his head held low as well as his ears.
Deathbringer let out a shaky breath. She's dead. It was all my fault. He thought. Then all of a sudden, all those tearful and haunting memories came back.
"We need to land!" Yelled Deathbringer over the angry storm. "We can't,if we do, we'll lose track of him and this mission will be a bust!" Yelled Quickstrike back: Deathbringer almost jumped out of the sky when lighting hit right by them. All of a sudden, a pale purple radioactive streak went right by his face, he could feel the menace heat flash by him. And then ZAP! It strikes and disappeared immediately. Unfortunately, it was followed by a blood curdling scream, and when Deathbringer looked, his mother was falling out of the sky. NO! He thought with a state of panic. He dived down as fast as he could and barley reached her. He tried lifting her up, but in this storm, with the wind nearly knocking them out of the sky it was impossible.
Deathbringer put one of her arms around him and wrapped his arm around her waist.
Nearly falling off out of the sky, they barley made it to an island. When he got there he could faintly see a fallen tree and some greenery. The sand was almost all sticky mud that clamped to his foot. Deathbringer let her down with a soft thud. With all of his strength, he pushed her and finally she rolled over. Three moons this was gonna take all night. Quickstrike was many years older than him, taller, stronger and much heavier. Deathbringer painfully and exhaustingly rolled his mother all the way to the tree, he put some grass over them and waited till morning.
The next day he woke up early. He needed to finish the mission, he felt hesitant to leave her here. It the morning sun he could see the damage the lighting bolt had caused to her scales. There was a blood red streak, about 5 inches wide that went from her shoulder, twisted to her side and up her wing and ended on her thigh. There was no way she would ever heal. So Deathbringer left to finish the mission, but not before he he got rid of the evidence. The rolling and talon prints. Deathbringer shook the sand and rubbed his claws on the marks, this only took about 2 minutes to do. He then left to kill the seawing.
          When he got there he climbed a tree and stuck to it. He very quietly moved his head slightly to eavesdrop in Tempest's conversation with Blister and the mudwing general. They laid there weapons on the floor and turned their back and started walking to the other side of the island. That's when he sneakily grabbed a mudwing spear and threw it right at Tempest's heart. Beforehand he left a note that said, 'THIS IS WHAT WE THINK ABOUT YOUR SECRET DEAL WITH BLISTER! STAY IN THE WATER WHERE YOU BELONG! THE COAST OF THE MUD KINGDOM IS OURS!'  For a hot minute they were trying to figure out the bloody hell happened. Blister ordered her sandwings and Seawings to search everywhere. Unfortunately they found her. Quickstrike, and they killed her. Now he was alone, forever and it was all his fault.
Deathbringer was about to let the tears fall when there was suddenly a dark green talon waving in his face. "HELLO? Deathbringer? Are you alive?" The voice asked. It took him a minute to realize it was Glory. He lifted his head and fixed his face, but not before she caught the misery and sadness in his silver eyes.
"Deathbringer are you alright?" Glory asked concerned. He nodded. But she didn't believe him. "Your lying, whats wrong tell me." She said softly. Glory jumped down from the vine that she was hanging upside down from and sat in front of him. "Hey, talk to me."
He didn't. He just stared down with tears ready to fall, and when they did, he struggled to choke back a sob. She could see how upset he was, but the cause was a mystery to her.
"Let's start with something easy.....look at me." Said Glory. Hesitantly, he glanced up at her emerald green eyes, and soon he felt himself getting lost in them, all his tense muscles relaxed and his ragged and heavy breathing slowed in small panting.
Deathbringer felt like his troubles lifted, but they didn't. He still knew it in his heart. And the weight of an elephant still sat on his shoulders. It wasn't until she blinked that he came back to reality and realized that one of her talons was lightly on his. He nodded. He took a deep breath, but then he didn't say anything. His mind was yelling, but his mouth was sewn shut. It was as if a force has paralyzed his mouth and he couldn't so much as move his tongue.
Glory hugged him, throwing her wings around him and resting her head in his chest. "It's alright you don't have to tell me." She reassured. "No,I have to." Finally speaking up. He hugged Glory tightly, took a deep breath and instead of staying silent. He let everything bottled in his brain and heart, flow out his mouth like silk. "When I was four I was sent with my mother Quickstrike, to murder a seawing general named Tempest. She was the greatest assassin of all time, and she took me with her to learn in her footsteps." He paused to take a shaky breath and swallow his cries of pain. He hugged tighter. But Glory didn't care, she wanted to listen and help, even though she felt like a teddy bear at the moment.
"There was a storm. I told her we had to land, but she insisted we had to keep going..." His voice died in his throat. He took another breath and whispered the rest. "A lightning bolt struck her, and she fell out of the sky. Almost falling to the ocean, I was able to get us to an island. The next morning I saw her injuries, destroyed the evidence of our presence and left to finish the mission, I knew she would do the same but I didn't even think to move her." He hugged Glory so tight she though she was going to suffocate.
Deathbringer's voice was barley a whisper. But since Glory was so close, it was audible. Glory let some tears fall from her face but sucked up the rest,and felt his run through her back like a waterfall of sorrow. "I did it, I killed Tempest and broke Blister's alliance with the mudwings. But they-" He broke off and took a moment to cry, "They found her...and they killed her." Deathbringer released his tight grip on Glory, but still kept her close and let out a sob, while she joined him with a quiet one. "Besides, I vowed something that day." He said letting go and taking her face in his talons and wiping their tears. "That this would never happen again. If I ever found someone to care for and love again, I would protect them with my life, I would do anything to keep them safe, endanger my own tribe if I have to. I wouldn't lose them like I lost her."
That's when it hit Glory, when they met. He didn't kill her when he had the chance, helped her escape the volcano and lied to his tribe. never once hurt her and insisted on being next to her 24/7 no matter what she said. I am the next dragon he cares about, the one he....loves. Glory looked up at him, and tears fell out of her eyes, from both Joy and and sadness. Deathbringer looked at her with so much love it melted her heart, "And that is you my sarcastic love." Glory pressed her snout to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. They let the tears fall, and he held her gently but strongly, as if she would break if he ever let go.

And he didn't. She was the light that guides him in the darkness. The one that kept him living, he would do whatever he had to to keep it alive and burning. She was his everything. He was a broken vase and she was the piece that made him whole. He would be at her side always. And never leave. He wouldn't lose her too. Never.

Not until the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east. Until the rivers run dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.

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